- V- stockline
V-образный профиль уровня засыпи
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Stockline Plastics factory explosion — On May 11, 2004, the ICL Plastics factory (Commonly referred to as Stockline Plastics factory due to initial media reports using this name see detailed explanation below), in the Woodside district of Glasgow in western Scotland, exploded, killing … Wikipedia
Health and Safety Executive — Non departmental public body Crown status: Unknown Legal basis: Health and Safety … Wikipedia
GameLine — The CVC GameLine (Control Video Corporation) was a cartridge for the Atari 2600 which could download games using a telephone line.In the early 1980s a cable pioneer named William von Meister was looking for a way to use his innovative modem… … Wikipedia
May 2004 — May 2004: January – February – March – April – May – June – July – August – September – October – November – December Events … Wikipedia
2004 in the United Kingdom — Events from the year 2004 in the United Kingdom.Incumbents* Monarch HM Queen Elizabeth II * Prime Minister Tony Blair, Labour PartyEventsJanuary* 1 January Papers released under the Thirty Year Rule reveal that, contrary to what was believed at… … Wikipedia
Timeline of Glasgow history — This article is intended to show a timeline of the history of Glasgow, Scotland, up to the present day. 500 1099543: The 12th century Bishop Jocelyn will later claim Glasgow s monastic church was founded by Saint Kentigern, also known as Saint… … Wikipedia
Gas explosion — A Gas explosion is the result of a gas leak in the presence of an ignition source. The principal explosive gases are natural gas, methane, propane and butane, because they are widely used for heating purposes. However, many other gases like… … Wikipedia
Louise White — is a newsreader on Scotland Today , STV Central s regional news programme for Central Scotland.White usually presents the programme s West news opt out from Mondays to Wednesdays, job sharing with Heather Simpson. She is also the regular anchor… … Wikipedia
Mayo de 2004 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Actualidad 2009: enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre 2008: enero febrero … Wikipedia Español
Пожары и взрывы в производственных помещениях в Европе — 4 июня 2003 г. в центре г. Парижа (Франция) на улице Юзес около здания фондовой биржи произошел взрыв, в результате которого произошло обрушение половины здания, непосредственно примыкающего к бирже. В разрушенном здании находились офисы… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров