ultrasonic (wave) frequency

ultrasonic (wave) frequency
ультразвуковая частота

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "ultrasonic (wave) frequency" в других словарях:

  • Ultrasonic horn — is a device used to pass ultrasound into a liquid medium. It basically consists of a transducer, a device which consists of a piezoelectric material, cut properly and sandwiched between metal electrodes. When alternating electrical current passes …   Wikipedia

  • Ultrasonic grating — An ultrasonic wave is a sound wave having a frequency greater than 20 kHz. Because of the very small wavelength of ultrasonic waves compared to X rays they have considerable penetrating power. The human ear can not recognize ultrasonic waves, but …   Wikipedia

  • Ultrasonic motor — An ultrasonic motor is a type of electric motor formedfrom the ultrasonic vibration of a component, the stator, placedagainst another, the rotor or slider depending on the schemeof operation (rotation or linear translation). Ultrasonic… …   Wikipedia

  • Ultrasonic cleaning — An ultrasonic cleaner is a cleaning device that uses ultrasound (usually from 15 400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solution to clean delicate items. The ultrasound is not effective without the cleaning solution; it enhances the effect of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Wave equation — Not to be confused with Wave function. The wave equation is an important second order linear partial differential equation for the description of waves – as they occur in physics – such as sound waves, light waves and water waves. It arises in… …   Wikipedia

  • wave — 1. A movement of particles in an elastic body, whether solid or fluid, whereby an advancing series of alternate elevations and depressions, or rarefactions and condensations, is produced. 2. The elevation of the pulse, felt by the finger, or… …   Medical dictionary

  • X-wave — In physics, X waves are localized solutions of the wave equation that travel at a constant velocity along a given direction.X waves can be sound, electromagnetic, or gravitational waves. They are built as a non monochromatic superposition of… …   Wikipedia

  • Rayleigh wave — Rayleigh waves, also known as the Rayleigh Lamb Wave or ground roll , are a type of surface wave. They are associated on the Earth with earthquakes and subterranean movement of magma, or with any other source of seismic energy, such as an… …   Wikipedia

  • Interference (wave propagation) — Two point interference in a ripple tank. In physics, interference is the phenomenon in which two waves superpose each other to form a resultant wave of greater or lower amplitude. Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that are… …   Wikipedia

  • Longitudinal wave — Longitudinal waves, as known as l waves , are waves that have the same direction of vibration as their direction of travel, which means that the movement of the medium is in the same direction as or the opposite direction to the motion of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Supersonic Wave Filter — The Supersonic Wave Filter (SSWF) is a dust reduction system developed by Olympus to overcome the negative effect of dust particles landing on the image sensor of digital SLRs. Dust may enter the camera body during lens changes, so it is… …   Wikipedia

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