- two-phase condition
двухфазное состояние
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
phase — phaseless, adj. phasic, phaseal, adj. /fayz/, n., v., phased, phasing. n. 1. any of the major appearances or aspects in which a thing of varying modes or conditions manifests itself to the eye or mind. 2. a stage in a process of change or… … Universalium
Phase field models — A phase field model is a mathematical model for solving interfacial problems. It has been mainly applied to solidification dynamics, [ [http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.matsci.32.101901.155803 WJ. Boettinger et al.… … Wikipedia
Phase contrast microscopy — Phase contrast image of a cheek epithelial cell Phase contrast microscopy is an optical microscopy illumination technique of great importance to biologists in which small (invisible to the human eye) phase shifts in the light passing through a… … Wikipedia
phase — phase, aspect, side, facet, angle are comparable when they denote one of the possible ways in which an object of contemplation may be seen or may be presented. Phase may distinctly imply a change in the appearance of a thing without a change in… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
condition — n 1 Condition, stipulation, terms, provision, proviso, reservation, strings are comparable when meaning something that is established or is regarded as the prerequisite of a promise or agreement being fulfilled or taking effect. Condition implies … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Phase rule — (Phys. Chem.) A generalization with regard to systems of chemical equilibrium, discovered by Prof. J. Willard Gibbs. It may be stated thus: The degree of variableness (number of degrees of freedom) of a system is equal to the number of components … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Phase transition — This diagram shows the nomenclature for the different phase transitions. A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase or state of matter to another. A phase of a thermodynamic system and the states of matter… … Wikipedia
Phase-locked loop — PLL redirects here. For other uses, see PLL (disambiguation). A phase locked loop or phase lock loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input reference signal. It is an electronic… … Wikipedia
Phase detector — A phase detector is a frequency mixer or analog multiplier circuit that generates a voltage signal which represents the difference in phase between two signal inputs. It is an essential element of the phase locked loop (PLL).Detecting phase… … Wikipedia
Two-way radio — receiver which only receives content. Two way radios are available in mobile, stationary base and hand held portable configurations. Hand held radios are often called walkie talkies or handie talkies. A push to talk or Press To Transmit button is … Wikipedia
Phase plane — A phase plane is a visual display of certain characteristics of certain kinds of differential equations.Certain systems of differential equations can be written in the form::dx/dt = Cx where C may be any combination of constants in order to… … Wikipedia