- tunnel kiln
туннельная печь
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Tunnel kiln — Tunnel Tun nel, n. [F. tonnelle a semicircular, wagon headed vault, a tunnel net, an arbor, OF. also tonnel; dim. of tonne a tun; so named from its resemblance to a tun in shape. See {Ton}.] 1. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tunnel kiln — noun : continuous kiln … Useful english dictionary
Tunnel — Tun nel, n. [F. tonnelle a semicircular, wagon headed vault, a tunnel net, an arbor, OF. also tonnel; dim. of tonne a tun; so named from its resemblance to a tun in shape. See {Ton}.] 1. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or tube at… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tunnel head — Tunnel Tun nel, n. [F. tonnelle a semicircular, wagon headed vault, a tunnel net, an arbor, OF. also tonnel; dim. of tonne a tun; so named from its resemblance to a tun in shape. See {Ton}.] 1. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tunnel net — Tunnel Tun nel, n. [F. tonnelle a semicircular, wagon headed vault, a tunnel net, an arbor, OF. also tonnel; dim. of tonne a tun; so named from its resemblance to a tun in shape. See {Ton}.] 1. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tunnel pit — Tunnel Tun nel, n. [F. tonnelle a semicircular, wagon headed vault, a tunnel net, an arbor, OF. also tonnel; dim. of tonne a tun; so named from its resemblance to a tun in shape. See {Ton}.] 1. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tunnel shaft — Tunnel Tun nel, n. [F. tonnelle a semicircular, wagon headed vault, a tunnel net, an arbor, OF. also tonnel; dim. of tonne a tun; so named from its resemblance to a tun in shape. See {Ton}.] 1. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
car-tunnel kiln — noun : continuous kiln … Useful english dictionary
tunnel — n. & v. n. 1 an artificial underground passage through a hill or under a road or river etc., esp. for a railway or road to pass through, or in a mine. 2 an underground passage dug by a burrowing animal. 3 a prolonged period of difficulty or… … Useful english dictionary
Kiln — Kilns are thermally insulated chambers, or ovens, in which controlled temperature regimes are produced. They are used to harden, burn or dry materials. Specific uses include: *To dry green lumber so that the lumber can be used immediately *Drying … Wikipedia
continuous kiln — noun 1. : a series of connected kilns or one continuous chamber through which a fire travels, green brick being set ahead of the fire 2. : a long narrow kiln which is hottest in its middle portion and through which ware travels on cars or… … Useful english dictionary