- truck
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
truck — truck … Dictionnaire des rimes
truck — truck1 [truk] n. [< ? L trochus, a hoop < Gr trochos, a wheel, disk: see TROCHE] 1. Historical a small, solid wheel or roller, esp. one for a gun carriage 2. a small, wooden block or disk with holes for halyards, esp. one at the top of a… … English World dictionary
Truck — 〈[ trʌ̣k] m. 6〉 großer Lastkraftwagen [engl.|amerikan.] * * * Truck [trʌk ], der; s, s [engl. truck, H. u.]: engl. Bez. für: Lastwagen. * * * Truck [trʌk] der, s/ s, englische Bezeichnung für (einen meist großen) Lkw. Im Motorsport werden in… … Universal-Lexikon
Truck — Truck, n. [Cf. F. troc.] 1. Exchange of commodities; barter. Hakluyt. [1913 Webster] 2. Commodities appropriate for barter, or for small trade; small commodities; esp., in the United States, garden vegetables raised for the market. [Colloq.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
truck — Ⅰ. truck [1] ► NOUN 1) a large road vehicle, used for carrying goods, materials, or troops. 2) Brit. an open railway vehicle for carrying freight. ► VERB chiefly N. Amer. 1) convey by truck. 2) informal go or proceed in a casual or leisurely way … English terms dictionary
truck|er — truck|er1 «TRUHK uhr», noun. 1. a person who drives a truck. 2. a person who owns a business that carries goods by truck. truck|er2 «TRUHK uhr», noun. 1. U.S. a person who grows garden produce for market; truck farmer. 2. a barterer; bargainer … Useful english dictionary
Truck — Truck, v. i. To exchange commodities; to barter; to trade; to deal. [1913 Webster] A master of a ship, who deceived them under color of trucking with them. Palfrey. [1913 Webster] Despotism itself is obliged to truck and huckster. Burke. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Truck — Truck, n. 1. barter. 2. commodidites for barter or for small trade. 3. association, interaction, or connection, as in I ll have no truck with the likes of them. 4. payment of wages in goods, rather than cash. [sn5. vegetables grown for market, as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
truck — s.n. (Ec.) Sistem capitalist constând în plătirea muncitorilor în mărfuri, în loc de bani, de la magazinele înfiinţate pe lângă fabrici care aparţin fabricanţilor. [< engl. truck]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.10.2005. Sursa: DN TRUCK TRöC/ s … Dicționar Român
Truck — Truck, n. [L. trochus an iron hoop, Gr. ? a wheel, fr. ? to run. See {Trochee}, and cf. {Truckle}, v. i.] 1. A small wheel, as of a vehicle; specifically (Ord.), a small strong wheel, as of wood or iron, for a gun carriage. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Truck — Truck, v. t. To transport on a truck or trucks. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English