- allomorphy
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Allomorph — This article is about a linguistic term. See Pseudomorph for another meaning of the word. An allomorph is a linguistics term for a variant form of a morpheme. The concept occurs when a unit of meaning can vary in sound (phonologically) without… … Wikipedia
Morphology (linguistics) — For other uses, see Morphology. Linguistics … Wikipedia
Null allomorph — In morpheme based morphology, a null allomorph or zero allomorph is a special kind of allomorph which has the form of a null morpheme. Because there are contexts in which the underlying morpheme still appears in the surface structure, a real null … Wikipedia
Distributed morphology — In generative linguistics, Distributed Morphology is a framework for theories of morphology introduced in 1993 by Morris Halle and Alec Marantz. The central claim of Distributed Morphology is that there is no unified Lexicon as in earlier… … Wikipedia
Basque verbs — The verb is one of the most complex parts of Basque grammar. It is sometimes represented as a difficult challenge for learners of the language, and many Basque grammars devote most of their pages to lists or tables of verb paradigms. This article … Wikipedia
Reduplication — in linguistics is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word (or part of it) is repeated exactly or with a slight change. Reduplication is used in inflections to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality, intensification,… … Wikipedia
Yorkshire dialect and accent — The Yorkshire dialect refers to the varieties of English used in the Northern England historic county of Yorkshire. These varieties are often referred to as Broad Yorkshire or Tyke. [ cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/bradford/voices2005/pete… … Wikipedia
Picard language — Picard Picard Spoken in France … Wikipedia
Consonant gradation — Sound change and alternation Metathesis Quantitative metathesis … Wikipedia
Kiranti languages — Kiranti Ethnicity: Kirat, Limbu, Rai, etc. Geographic distribution: Nepal Linguistic classification: Sino Tibetan (Tibeto Burman) … Wikipedia
Definite article reduction — (DAR) is the term used in recent linguistic work to refer to the use of vowel less forms of the definite article the in Northern dialects of English English, for example in the Yorkshire dialect and accent. DAR is often represented by dialect… … Wikipedia