- transitional fit
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
List of transitional fossils — This is a very tentative list of transitional fossils (fossil remains of a creature that exhibits primitive traits in comparison with more derived life forms to which it is related). An ideal list would only recursively include true transitionals … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
HEBREW GRAMMAR — The following entry is divided into two sections: an Introduction for the non specialist and (II) a detailed survey. [i] HEBREW GRAMMAR: AN INTRODUCTION There are four main phases in the history of the Hebrew language: the biblical or classical,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Burundi — Burundian, adj., n. /boo roon dee/, n. a republic in central Africa, E of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: formerly the S part of the Belgian trust territory of Ruanda Urundi; gained independence on July 1, 1962. 6,052,614; 10,747 sq. mi.… … Universalium
Objections to evolution — Part of a series on Evolutionary Biology … Wikipedia
Northern Ireland Assembly — For earlier bodies of the same name, see Northern Ireland Assembly (disambiguation). Northern Ireland Assembly Norlin Airlan Assemblie Tionól Thuaisceart Éireann … Wikipedia
Afghanistan — /af gan euh stan /, n. a republic in central Asia, NW of India and E of Iran. 23,738,085; 250,000 sq. mi. (647,500 sq. km). Cap.: Kabul. * * * Afghanistan Introduction Afghanistan Background: Afghanistan s recent history is characterized by war… … Universalium
cañada — /keuhn yah deuh, yad euh/, n. Chiefly Western U.S. 1. a dry riverbed. 2. a small, deep canyon. [1840 50; < Sp, equiv. to cañ(a) CANE + ada n. suffix] * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources … Universalium
Canada — /kan euh deuh/, n. a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 29,123,194; 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km). Cap.: Ottawa. * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural… … Universalium
Comparison of image viewers — This article presents a comparison of image viewers and image organizers which can be used for image viewing. Contents 1 General information 2 Supported file formats 3 Supported desktop environments … Wikipedia
Somalia — Somalian, adj., n. /soh mah lee euh, mahl yeuh/, n. an independent republic on the E coast of Africa, formed from the former British Somaliland and the former Italian Somaliland. 9,940,232; 246,198 sq. mi. (637,653 sq. km). Cap.: Mogadishu.… … Universalium