- top structure
колошниковое устройство
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Top-down and bottom-up design — Top down and bottom up are strategies of information processing and knowledge ordering, mostly involving software, but also other humanistic and scientific theories (see systemics). In practice, they can be seen as a style of thinking and… … Wikipedia
Structure affine — Sommaire 1 Définitions d un espace affine 1.1 Définition « générale » 1.2 Définition « naturelle » 1.3 … Wikipédia en Français
Top Gear challenges — are a segment of the Top Gear television programme where the presenters are challenged by the producers, or by each other, to prove or do various things related to automobiles. Contents 1 Novelty/stunt challenges 2 Challenge reviews 3 How hard… … Wikipedia
Top Gear Segments — Top Gear has featured a number of recurring segments on the show. The most popular are listed here. These elements make up the basic structure of the show.RacesEpic racesThere have been six epic races on Top Gear, involving a car racing another… … Wikipedia
top- — top(o) , tope éléments, du gr. topos, lieu . I. ⇒TOP , élém. de compos. Élém. tiré de l angl. top « haut, sommet »: top man, subst. masc. Homme important, décideur d un groupe industriel, bancaire, etc. C est lui qui choisit les « top men » du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Top Girls — is a 1982 play by Caryl Churchill. It depicts the life of Marlene, a hard bitten career woman who is employed at the Top Girls employment agency, and her interactions with her family she left behind. Marlene left her working class background to… … Wikipedia
top-heavy — top heavily, adv. top heaviness, n. /top hev ee/, adj. 1. having the top disproportionately heavy; liable to fall from too great weight above. 2. relatively much heavier or larger above the center or waist than below: a top heavy wrestler. 3.… … Universalium
Top of the Hill — was a political television drama aired by CBS as part of its 1989 fall lineup. Top of the Hill starred William Katt as U.S. Representative Thomas Bell, Jr., son of a long time Congressman who had been forced to resign his seat due to health… … Wikipedia
top-heavy — top′ heav′y adj. 1) having the top disproportionately heavy or large 2) (of an organization) having a disproportionately large number of people in the upper ranks 3) bus (of a company) having a financial structure overburdened with dividend… … From formal English to slang
top-out — «TOP OWT», noun. the completion of the skeleton structure of a building being erected … Useful english dictionary
top|gal|lant — «TOP GAL uhnt; Nautical tuh GAL uhnt», noun, adjective. –n. the mast or sail next above the topmast. It is the third section of a mast above the deck. –adj. 1. of or belonging to a topgallant; next above the topmast. 2. (of a deck, rail, or other … Useful english dictionary