tin alloy

tin alloy
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "tin alloy" в других словарях:

  • Tin — is a chemical element with the symbol Sn ( la. stannum) and atomic number 50. This silvery, malleable poor metal that is not easily oxidized in air and resists corrosion, is found in many alloys and is used to coat other metals to prevent… …   Wikipedia

  • tin processing — Introduction       preparation of the ore for use in various products.       Tin (Sn) is a relatively soft and ductile metal with a silvery white colour. It has a density of 7.29 grams per cubic centimetre, a low melting point of 231.88° C… …   Universalium

  • tin — n. & v. n. 1 Chem. a silvery white malleable metallic element resisting corrosion, occurring naturally in cassiterite and other ores, and used esp. in alloys and for plating thin iron or steel sheets to form tin plate. Usage: Symb.: Sn. 2 a a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tin — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German zin tin Date: before 12th century 1. a soft faintly bluish white lustrous low melting crystalline metallic element that is malleable and ductile at ordinary temperatures …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • TIN — /tin/, n. taxpayer identification number. * * * Metallic chemical element, chemical symbol Sn, atomic number 50. It is a soft, silvery white metal with a bluish tinge, employed since antiquity in the traditional form of bronze, its alloy with… …   Universalium

  • Tin soldier — Tin soldiers are miniature figures of soldiers, extremely popular in the world of collecting. They can be bought finished or in a raw state to be hand painted. They are generally made of pewter, tin, lead, other metals or plastic. Often very… …   Wikipedia

  • TIN —    Tin was essential for the production of bronze, which is an alloy of copper and tin. It was always a precious commodity and, like all metals, had to be imported to Mesopotamia. The first experiments in casing true tin bronze occurred in the… …   Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia

  • tin|foil — «TIHN FOYL», noun, adjective. –n. Also, tin foil. 1. a very thin sheet of tin, or of an alloy of tin and lead, used as a wrapping for candy, tobacco, or similar articles. 2. tin hammered or rolled into a thin sheet and coated with mercury, used… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Alloy — This article is about the type of material. For the specification language, see Alloy (specification language). For lightweight auto wheels, see alloy wheel. Steel is a metal alloy whose major component is iron, with carbon content between 0.02%… …   Wikipedia

  • alloy — n. /al oy, euh loy /; v. /euh loy /, n. 1. a substance composed of two or more metals, or of a metal or metals with a nonmetal, intimately mixed, as by fusion or electrodeposition. 2. a less costly metal mixed with a more valuable one. 3.… …   Universalium

  • tin — tinlike, adj. /tin/, n., adj., v., tinned, tinning. n. 1. Chem. a low melting, malleable, ductile metallic element nearly approaching silver in color and luster: used in plating and in making alloys, tinfoil, and soft solders. Symbol: Sn; at. wt …   Universalium

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