- airtight
герметически закрытый
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
airtight — [er′tīt΄] adj. 1. too tight for air or gas to enter or escape 2. having no flaws or weaknesses [an airtight alibi] 3. giving no opening for attack; invulnerable [an airtight defense] … English World dictionary
airtight — [adj1] sealed closed, impenetrable, impermeable, shut; concepts 483,490 Ant. loose, open, penetrable, permeable, unclosed, unsealed airtight [adj2] certain incontestable, indisputable, invulnerable, irrefutable, unassailable; concept 535 Ant.… … New thesaurus
airtight — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not allowing air to escape or pass through. 2) unassailable: an airtight alibi … English terms dictionary
airtight — index impervious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
airtight — (adj.) also air tight, impervious to air, 1760, from AIR (Cf. air) (n.1) + TIGHT (Cf. tight). Figurative sense of incontrovertible (of arguments, alabis, etc.) is from 1929 … Etymology dictionary
airtight — [[t]e͟ə(r)taɪt[/t]] also air tight 1) ADJ If a container is airtight, its lid fits so tightly that no air can get in or out. Store the cookies in an airtight tin. 2) ADJ An airtight alibi, case, argument, or agreement is one that has been so… … English dictionary
airtight — adjective Date: 1760 1. impermeable to air or nearly so < an airtight seal > 2. a. having no noticeable weakness, flaw, or loophole < an airtight argument > b. permitting no opportunity for an … New Collegiate Dictionary
airtight — air|tight [ˈeətaıt US ˈer ] adj 1.) not allowing air to get in or out ▪ airtight containers 2.) planned or done so carefully that there is no chance of any problems or mistakes ▪ an airtight alibi … Dictionary of contemporary English
airtight — adjective 1) an airtight container Syn: sealed, hermetically sealed, closed tight, shut tight 2) an airtight alibi Syn: indisputable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, undeniable, incontestable, irrefutable, waterti … Thesaurus of popular words
airtight — airtightly, adv. airtightness, n. /air tuyt /, adj. 1. preventing the entrance or escape of air or gas. 2. having no weak points or openings of which an opponent may take advantage: an airtight contract. [1750 60; AIR1 + TIGHT] * * * … Universalium
airtight — adjective a) Being impermeable to air or other gases. b) Having no weak points or flaws (as in an airtight argument). See Also: watertight … Wiktionary