- thick ends
утолщенные концы
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Thick as Thieves (The Hardy Boys) — Thick as Thieves is a Hardy Boys novel.An old enemy, Charity, visits Bayport, and sends the Hardys on a wild goose chase that ends in Las Vegas, where a criminals convention is being held. The criminals devise a deadly plan, and Joe ends up… … Wikipedia
The Thick of It — Format Comedy (political satire) Created by Armando Iannucci … Wikipedia
To have at one's fingers' ends — Finger Fin ger (f[i^][ng] g[ e]r), n. [AS. finger; akin to D. vinger, OS. & OHG. fingar, G. finger, Icel. fingr, Sw. & Dan. finger, Goth. figgrs; of unknown origin; perh. akin to E. fang.] 1. One of the five terminating members of the hand; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Quercus imbricaria — Shingle Shin gle, n. [OE. shingle, shindle, fr. L. scindula, scandula; cf. scindere to cleave, to split, E. shed, v. t., Gr. ???, ???, shingle, ??? to slit.] 1. A piece of wood sawed or rived thin and small, with one end thinner than the other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shingle — Shin gle, n. [OE. shingle, shindle, fr. L. scindula, scandula; cf. scindere to cleave, to split, E. shed, v. t., Gr. ???, ???, shingle, ??? to slit.] 1. A piece of wood sawed or rived thin and small, with one end thinner than the other, used in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shingle oak — Shingle Shin gle, n. [OE. shingle, shindle, fr. L. scindula, scandula; cf. scindere to cleave, to split, E. shed, v. t., Gr. ???, ???, shingle, ??? to slit.] 1. A piece of wood sawed or rived thin and small, with one end thinner than the other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pickhandle barracuda — Taxobox | name = Pickhandle barracuda regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Sphyraenidae genus = Sphyraena species = S. jello binomial = Sphyraena jello binomial authority = Cuvier in Cuvier and … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
muscle — muscleless, adj. muscly, adj. /mus euhl/, n., v., muscled, muscling, adj. n. 1. a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. 2. an organ, composed of muscle tissue, that contracts to produce a… … Universalium
Resistor — A typical axial lead resistor Type Passive Working principle Electrical resistance Invented Ge … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium