- thermal disorder
• тепловая неупорядоченность• тепловое разупорядочение
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
thermal disorder — šiluminė netvarka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermal disorder vok. thermische Unordnung, f rus. тепловой беспорядок, m pranc. désordre thermique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
thermal hallucination — Also referred to as thermic hallucination. Both terms are used to denote a hallucination of temperature. Thermal hallucinations have been reported chiefly in the context of psychotic disorder and somatosensory aura. In both cases the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Entropy (order and disorder) — Boltzmann s molecules (1896) shown at a rest position in a solid In thermodynamics, entropy is commonly associated with the amount of order, disorder, and/or chaos in a thermodynamic system. This stems from Rudolf Clausius 1862 assertion that any … Wikipedia
Order and disorder (physics) — In physics, the terms order and disorder designate the presence or absence of some symmetry or correlation in a many particle system. In condensed matter physics, systems typically are ordered at low temperatures; upon heating, they undergo one… … Wikipedia
Colony collapse disorder — Honey bees entering a beehive Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or European honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of apiculture, the… … Wikipedia
Colony Collapse Disorder — (or CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or Western honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of apiculture, the term Colony Collapse Disorder was first applied to a… … Wikipedia
Annealed disorder — In statistical physics a system is said to present annealed disorder when some parameters entering its definition are random variables, but whose evolution is related to that of the degrees of freedom defining the system. It is defined in… … Wikipedia
Quenched disorder — In statistical physics, a system is said to present quenched disorder when some parameters defining its behaviour are random variables which do not evolve with time, i.e.: they are quenched or frozen . As a typical example, we may cite spin… … Wikipedia
Electron — For other uses, see Electron (disambiguation). Electron Experiments with a Crookes tube first demonstrated the particle nature of electrons. In this illustration, the profile of the cross shaped target is projected against the tube face at right… … Wikipedia
superfluidity — [so͞o΄pər flo͞o id′ə tē] n. the phenomenon, exhibited by liquid helium at temperatures below 2.18°K, of flowing without friction and having very high thermal conductivity superfluid [so͞opərflo͞o′id] n., adj. * * * See superfluid. * * * Unusual… … Universalium
désordre thermique — šiluminė netvarka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermal disorder vok. thermische Unordnung, f rus. тепловой беспорядок, m pranc. désordre thermique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas