- system of ventilation
система вентиляции
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Ventilation (architecture) — Ventilation is the intentional movement of air from outside a building to the inside. It is the V in HVAC. With clothes dryers, and combustion equipment such as water heaters, boilers, fireplaces, and wood stoves, their exhausts are often called… … Wikipedia
ventilation — [vent΄ l ā′shən] n. [L ventilatio] 1. a ventilating or being ventilated 2. a system or equipment for ventilating … English World dictionary
ventilation system — noun a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air she was continually adjusting the ventilation • Syn: ↑ventilation, ↑ventilating system • Derivationally related forms: ↑ventilate (for: ↑ventilation) … Useful english dictionary
ventilation — noun 1. the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑airing • Derivationally related forms: ↑ventilate • Hypernyms: ↑improvement 2. a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air … Useful english dictionary
Ventilation — The exchange of air between the lungs and the atmosphere so that oxygen can be exchanged for carbon dioxide in the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs). In pulmonary medicine, a distinction is made between pulmonary and alveolar ventilation.… … Medical dictionary
ventilation shaft — noun a shaft in a building; serves as an air passage for ventilation • Hypernyms: ↑shaft, ↑air passage, ↑air duct, ↑airway • Part Holonyms: ↑ventilation, ↑ventilation system, ↑ventilating system … Useful english dictionary
ventilation — [1] A provision of a free or controlled circulation of air. [2] Forced airflow, by design, between one area and another. See closed crankcase ventilation crankcase ventilation flow through ventilation positive crankcase ventilation system… … Dictionary of automotive terms
ventilation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ adequate, good, proper ▪ Inspectors checked that there was adequate ventilation. ▪ inadequate, poor ▪ artificial … Collocations dictionary
system — noun 1 set of ideas/rules for organizing sth ADJECTIVE ▪ current, existing ▪ We re looking to replace the existing system. ▪ modern, new ▪ old fashioned … Collocations dictionary
system — An orderly, interconnected, complex arrangement of parts. See accumulator system air filtration system air injection reaction system air system alarm system anti dive system anti lock brake system anti noise system … Dictionary of automotive terms
ventilation system — ventiliacijos sistema statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Slėptuvės gyvybingumą užtikrinanti sistema, skirta kenksmingoms oro priemaišoms šalinti ir išvalytam orui tiekti į slėptuvę. Naudojami tokie ventiliacijos sistemos … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas