- surface decarburization
поверхностное обезуглероживание
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
Stainless steel — Iron alloy phases Ferrite (α iron, δ iron) Austenite (γ iron) Pearlite (88% ferrite, 12% cementite) … Wikipedia
chromium processing — Introduction preparation of the ore for use in various products. Chromium (Cr) is a brilliant, hard, refractory metal that melts at 1,857° C (3,375° F) and boils at 2,672° C (4,842° F). In the pure state, it is resistant to ordinary… … Universalium
Die-deterioration doubling — Numismatics Terminology Portal Currency … Wikipedia
Blacksmith — For other uses, see Blacksmith (disambiguation). Blacksmith A blacksmith at work Occupation … Wikipedia
SIDÉRURGIE — L’évolution de la sidérurgie dans les cent dernières années a été marquée par un accroissement considérable de la production d’acier brut: elle est passée, entre 1900 et 1993, de 35 à 725,3 millions de tonnes après un maximum de 785,1 millions de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Electric arc furnace — An electric arc furnace (EAF) is a furnace that heats charged material by means of an electric arc. Arc furnaces range in size from small units of approximately one ton capacity (used in foundries for producing cast iron products) up to about 400 … Wikipedia
Crucible steel — Iron alloy phases Ferrite (α iron, δ iron) Austenite (γ iron) Pearlite (88% ferrite, 12% cementite) … Wikipedia
Selective leaching — Selective leaching, also called dealloying, demetalification, parting and selective corrosion, is a corrosion type in some solid solution alloys, when in suitable conditions a component of the alloys is preferentially leached from the material.… … Wikipedia