- sump
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Sump — Sump, n. [Cf. G. sumpf a sump in a mine, a swamp, akin to LG. sump, D. somp a swamp, Dan. & Sw. sump, and perhaps to E. swamp.] 1. (Metal.) A round pit of stone, lined with clay, for receiving the metal on its first fusion. Ray. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sump — [sʌmp] n [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: sump swamp (15 20 centuries), from Middle Dutch somp or Middle Low German sump wet ground ] 1.) the lowest part of a ↑drainage system, where liquids or wastes remain 2.) BrE the part of an engine that contains… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sump — /sump/, n. 1. a pit, well, or the like in which water or other liquid is collected. 2. Mach. a chamber at the bottom of a machine, pump, circulation system, etc., into which a fluid drains before recirculation or in which wastes gather before… … Universalium
sump — early 15c., marsh, morass, from M.Du. somp or M.L.G. sump, from P.Gmc. *sumpaz. Meaning pit to collect water is first found 1650s … Etymology dictionary
sump — sb., en, e, ene, i sms. sump , fx sumpområde, sumpplante … Dansk ordbog
sump — ► NOUN 1) the base of an internal combustion engine, which serves as a reservoir of oil for the lubrication system. 2) a depression in the floor of a mine or cave in which water collects. 3) a cesspool. ORIGIN originally denoting a marsh: from… … English terms dictionary
sump — [sump] n. [ME sompe,SWAMP] 1. a) a pit, cistern, cesspool, etc. for draining, collecting, or storing liquids b) Brit. OIL PAN 2. Mining a) a pit or pool at the bottom of a shaft or mine, in which water collects and from which it … English World dictionary
sump — [ sʌmp ] noun count a low open area in the ground that waste liquid flows into … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sump|tu|ar|y — «SUHMP chu EHR ee», adjective. having to do with the spending of money; regulating expenses, especially to control extravagance or waste. A law prohibiting any family from owning more than one car would be a sumptuary law. ╂[< Latin… … Useful english dictionary
sump|tu|os|i|ty — «SUHMP chu OS uh tee», noun. expensiveness; costliness … Useful english dictionary
sump — as·sump·sit; as·sump·tion; as·sump·tion·ist; as·sump·tious; as·sump·tive; con·sump·ti·ble; con·sump·tion; pre·sump·tion; pre·sump·tive; pre·sump·tive·ly; pre·sump·tu·ous; pre·sump·tu·ous·ly; pre·sump·tu·ous·ness; re·sump·tion; re·sump·tive;… … English syllables