- stud hole
ниппельное гнездо
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
stud hole — A hole in a wheel through which the wheel studs pass … Dictionary of automotive terms
hole — See access hole bolt hole countersunk hole cubby hole drain hole limber hole oil filter hole pilot hole radiator fill hole spurt hole … Dictionary of automotive terms
Stud poker — is any of a number of poker variants in which each player receives a mix of face down and face up cards dealt in multiple betting rounds. Stud games are also typically non positional games, meaning that the player who bets first on each round may … Wikipedia
Hole carding — refers to obtaining knowledge of cards that are supposed to be hidden from view in card games. The term is usually applied to blackjack but can apply to other games with hidden hole cards, like three card poker and Caribbean stud poker. So long… … Wikipedia
stud — stud1 [stud] n. [ME stode < OE studu, column, pillar, post, akin to ON stoth, Ger stützen, to prop < IE * stūt < base * stā , to STAND] 1. any of a series of small knobs or rounded nailheads used to ornament a surface, as of leather 2. a … English World dictionary
hole — [hōl] n. [ME < OE hol, orig. neut. of adj. holh, hollow, akin to Ger hohl < IE base * kaul , *kul , hollow, hollow stalk > L caulis, Gr kaulos, stalk] 1. a hollow or hollowed out place; cavity; specif., a) an excavation or pit ☆ b) a… … English World dictionary
hole card — hole′ card n. 1) gam a card dealt facedown during the first round in stud poker 2) cvb something held in reserve until it can be used to advantage … From formal English to slang
hole card — ☆ hole card n. 1. a card dealt face down in stud poker 2. a hidden advantage or undisclosed resource … English World dictionary
Hole Card — Stud Poker The first card, dealt face down, received by a player … The official rules of card games glossary
hole card — noun 1. any assets that are concealed until they can be used advantageously • Hypernyms: ↑assets 2. (poker) a playing card dealt face down and not revealed until the showdown • Topics: ↑stud, ↑stud poker • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Stud Poker — Unter dem Begriff Stud Poker versteht man alle Pokervarianten, bei denen ein Spieler einige offene und verdeckte Karten erhält. Eine weitere Eigenschaft dieser Variante ist, dass sich die Position desjenigen, der eine Runde eröffnet, oft wechselt … Deutsch Wikipedia