structural equilibrium

structural equilibrium
структурное равновесие

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "structural equilibrium" в других словарях:

  • Structural engineering — is a field of engineering dealing with the analysis and design of structures that support or resist loads. Structural engineering is usually considered a speciality within civil engineering, but it can also be studied in its own right. [cite… …   Wikipedia

  • Structural analysis — comprises the set of physical laws and mathematics required to study and predict the behavior of structures. The subjects of structural analysis are engineering artifacts whose integrity is judged largely based upon their ability to withstand… …   Wikipedia

  • Structural functionalism — Sociology …   Wikipedia

  • Equilibrium unfolding — In biochemistry, equilibrium unfolding is the process of unfolding a protein or RNA molecule by gradually changing its solution conditions, i.e., its environment. Since equilibrium is maintained at all steps, the process is reversible… …   Wikipedia

  • Equilibrium mode distribution — The equilibrium mode [power] distribution of light travelling in an optical waveguide or fiber, is the distribution of light that is no longer changing with fibre length or with input modal excitation. This phenomenon requires both mode filtering …   Wikipedia

  • Structural formula — The structural formula of a chemical compound is a graphical representation of the molecular structure, showing how the atoms are arranged. The chemical bonding within the molecule is also shown, either explicitly or implicitly. There are several …   Wikipedia

  • Structural estimation — Economists, econometricians, and statisticians use structural estimation techniques like GMM and maximum likelihood to estimate deep structural parameters of theoretical models. In this sense, structural estimation is contrasted with reduced form …   Wikipedia

  • structural landform — ▪ geology       any topographic feature formed by the differential wearing away of rocks and the deposition of the resulting debris under the influence of exogenetic geomorphic forces. Such forces operate at the interface of the planetary… …   Universalium

  • History of structural engineering — The history of structural engineering dates back to at least 2700 BC when the step pyramid for Pharaoh Djoser was built by Imhotep, the first engineer in history known by name. Pyramids were the most common major structures built by ancient… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium — modeling (abbreviated DSGE or sometimes SDGE or DGE) is a branch of applied general equilibrium theory that is influential in contemporary macroeconomics. The DSGE methodology attempts to explain aggregate economic phenomena, such as economic… …   Wikipedia

  • Sedimentation equilibrium — is an analytical ultracentrifugation method for measuring protein molecular masses in solution and for studying protein protein interactions. Particular applications of this technique are: * establishing the native state of a protein as a monomer …   Wikipedia

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