stroke of bell

stroke of bell
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "stroke of bell" в других словарях:

  • stroke — stroke1 S3 [strəuk US strouk] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(illness)¦ 2¦(swimming/rowing)¦ 3¦(sport)¦ 4¦(pen/brush)¦ 5 at a/one stroke 6 on the stroke of seven/nine etc 7 stroke of luck/fortune 8 stroke of genius/inspiration etc 9¦(hit) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stroke — 1 noun (C) 1 ILLNESS an occasion when a blood tube in your brain suddenly bursts or is blocked: He was paralyzed by a severe stroke | have/suffer a stroke: I m afraid your aunt has had a slight stroke. 2 SWIMMING/ROWING a) one of a set of… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Bell's palsy — Infobox Disease Name = Bell s Palsy Caption = DiseasesDB = 1303 ICD10 = ICD10|G|51|0|g|50 ICD9 = ICD9|351.0 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 000773 eMedicineSubj = emerg eMedicineTopic = 56 eMedicine plus = eMedicine2|neuro|413 eMedicine2|ent|719… …   Wikipedia

  • Stroke ratio — In a reciprocating piston engine, the stroke ratio, defined by either bore/stroke ratio or stroke/bore ratio, is a term which is used to describe the ratio between the diameter of the cylinder bore and the length of the piston stroke within its… …   Wikipedia

  • stroke — stroke1 /strohk/, n., v., stroked, stroking. n. 1. the act or an instance of striking, as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; a blow. 2. a hitting of or upon anything. 3. a striking of a clapper or hammer, as on a bell. 4. the sound produced by …   Universalium

  • stroke — I. transitive verb (stroked; stroking) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strācian; akin to Old High German strīhhan to stroke more at strike Date: before 12th century 1. to rub gently in one direction; also caress 2. to flatter or pay… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stroke — I [[t]stroʊk[/t]] n. v. stroked, strok•ing 1) an act or instance of striking, as with the fist or a hammer; blow 2) a hitting of or upon anything 3) a striking of a clapper or hammer, as on a bell, or the sound produced by this 4) a throb or… …   From formal English to slang

  • bell — bell1 bell less, adj. /bel/, n. 1. a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like. 2. the stroke or sound of such an instrument: We …   Universalium

  • stroke — I. /stroʊk / (say strohk) noun 1. an act of striking, as with the fist, a weapon, a hammer, etc.; a blow. 2. a hitting of or upon anything. 3. a striking of a clapper or hammer, as on a bell, or the sound produced by this. 4. a throb or pulsation …  

  • bell — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a hollow usu. metal object in the shape of a deep upturned cup usu. widening at the lip, made to sound a clear musical note when struck (either externally or by means of a clapper inside). 2 a a sound or stroke of a bell, esp. as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bell — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a hollow usu. metal object in the shape of a deep upturned cup usu. widening at the lip, made to sound a clear musical note when struck (either externally or by means of a clapper inside). 2 a a sound or stroke of a bell, esp. as… …   Useful english dictionary

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