streamline (flow) motion

streamline (flow) motion
слоистое течение

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "streamline (flow) motion" в других словарях:

  • streamline flow — /ˌstrimlaɪn ˈfloʊ/ (say .streemluyn floh) noun a type of fluid flow in which the motion of the fluid is such that continuous streamlines can be drawn through the whole length of its course at any instant …  

  • Streamline — Stream line , a. Of or pert. to a stream line; designating a motion or flow that is free from turbulence, like that of a particle in a streamline; hence, designating a surface, body, etc., that is designed so as to afford an unbroken flow of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • streamline — {{11}}streamline (n.) 1868, line drawn from point to point, so that its direction is everywhere that of the motion of the fluid [Lamb, Hydrodynamics, 1906], from STREAM (Cf. stream) (n.) + LINE (Cf. line) (n.). The adjective is attested from 1898 …   Etymology dictionary

  • streamline — A shape or design calculated to decrease wind resistance, particularly in reference to aircraft, motor vehicles, railroad cars, and watercraft. Streamline in the planning of bodies of airplanes, boats, automobiles, and railroad cars, is a design… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • streamline — I. noun Date: 1868 1. the path of a particle in a fluid relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving in smooth flow without turbulence 2. a. a contour designed to minimize resistance to motion through a fluid (as air) b. a smooth or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • streamline — /streem luyn /, n., v., streamlined, streamlining. adj. n. 1. a teardrop line of contour offering the least possible resistance to a current of air, water, etc. 2. the path of a particle that is flowing steadily and without turbulence in a fluid… …   Universalium

  • laminar flow — noun nonturbulent streamline flow in parallel layers (laminae) • Hypernyms: ↑streamline flow * * * noun : streamline flow in a viscous fluid near a solid boundary contrasted with turbulent flow * * * Hydraul., Mech. the flow of a viscous fluid in …   Useful english dictionary

  • turbulent flow — noun flow in which the velocity at any point varies erratically • Hypernyms: ↑flow • Hyponyms: ↑sea * * * noun : a fluid flow in which the velocity at a given point varies erratically in magnitude and direction with time and is thus essentially… …   Useful english dictionary

  • laminar flow — Hydraul., Mech. the flow of a viscous fluid in which particles of the fluid move in parallel layers, each of which has a constant velocity but is in motion relative to its neighboring layers. [1945 50] * * * Fluid flow in which the fluid travels… …   Universalium

  • Laminar flow — Laminar flow, sometimes known as streamline flow, occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. In fluid dynamics, laminar flow is a flow regime characterized by high momentum diffusion, low momentum… …   Wikipedia

  • Blood flow — is the continuous running of blood in the cardiovascular system. The human body is made up of several processes all carrying out various functions. We have the gastrointestinal system which aids the digestion and the absorption of food. We also… …   Wikipedia

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