standard spacing

standard spacing
межплоскостное расстояние эталонного вещества

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "standard spacing" в других словарях:

  • Standard cell — For the battery used as a voltage reference, see Weston cell. In semiconductor design, standard cell methodology is a method of designing Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) with mostly digital logic features. Standard cell… …   Wikipedia

  • Sentence spacing — Double sentence spaced typewriter text (1946) vs. single sentence spaced typeset text (1979) Sentence spacing is the horizontal space between sentences in typeset text. It is a matter of typographical convention …   Wikipedia

  • Maximum spacing estimation — The maximum spacing method tries to find a distribution function such that the spacings, D(i), are all approximately of the same length. This is done by maximizing their geometric mean. In statistics, maximum spacing estimation (MSE or MSP), or… …   Wikipedia

  • Letter-spacing — In typography, letter spacing, also called tracking, refers to the amount of space between a group of letters to affect density in a line or block of text. Since the advent of personal computers the term tracking is frequently used. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Inter Frame Spacing — Interframe Spacing (Abk. IFS, auch Interframe Gap, IFG) bezeichnet bei Rechnernetzen den minimalen zeitlichen Abstand zwischen zwei gesendeten Datenrahmen auf dem Übertragungsmedium. Es gibt mehrere Gründe zum Einhalten dieses Minimalabstands;… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Interframe Spacing — (Abk. IFS, auch Interframe Gap, IFG) bezeichnet bei Rechnernetzen den minimalen Abstand zwischen zwei Datenrahmen auf dem Übertragungsmedium. Es gibt mehrere Gründe zum Einhalten dieses Minimalabstands; diese können sowohl technischer Natur sein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • De facto standard — A de facto standard is a custom, convention, product, or system that has achieved a dominant position by public acceptance or market forces (such as early entrance to the market). De facto is a Latin phrase meaning concerning the fact or in… …   Wikipedia

  • hub spacing — The distance from one outer cone to the other along the axle. Front bicycle hubs have a standard width of 100mm. Rear hubs on older road bikes which are set up for freewheels generally have a width of 126mm. More recent rear hubs set up for… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • North–South differences in the Korean language — There are a small number of differences in the standard forms of the Korean language used in the Democratic People s Republic of Korea (North Korea; hereafter the North ) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea; hereafter the South ), due to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Korean language North-South differences — The North South differences in the Korean language refers to the differences in the Korean language used in the Democratic People s Republic of Korea (North Korea; hereafter the North ) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea; the South. ) From a… …   Wikipedia

  • Ribbon cable — A ribbon cable (also known as multi wire planar cable) is a cable with many conducting wires running parallel to each other on the same flat plane. As a result the cable is wide and flat. Its name comes from the resemblance of the cable to a… …   Wikipedia

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