- standard conditions
нормальные температура и давление
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
standard conditions, US — normaliosios sąlygos statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis 273,15 K temperatūra ir 101,325 kPa slėgis. atitikmenys: angl. normal conditions; standard conditions, US rus. нормальные условия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Standard conditions for temperature and pressure — Not to be confused with Standard state. In chemistry, standard condition for temperature and pressure (informally abbreviated as STP) are standard sets of conditions for experimental measurements, to allow comparisons to be made between different … Wikipedia
standard conditions of firing — standartinės šaudymo sąlygos statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šaudymo sąlygos, nustatytos šaudymo lentelėse. Standartinės šaudymo sąlygos yra šios: topogeodezinės sąlygos – taikinys yra pabūklo horizonto lygyje; balistinės sąlygos –… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
standard conditions. — See standard temperature and pressure. * * * … Universalium
standard conditions. — See standard temperature and pressure … Useful english dictionary
Standard Conditions — In refrigeration, an evaporating temperature of 5 degrees Fahrenheit (F), a condensing temperature of 86 degrees F., liquid temperature before expansion of 77 degrees F., and suction temperature of 12 degrees F … Energy terms
standard conditions — Used as a basis for air conditioning calculations: temperature of 680F (200C), pressure of 29.82 inches of mercury (Hg.), and relative humidity of 30 percent … Dictionary of automotive terms
Standard cubic feet per minute — (SCFM) is the volumetric flow rate of a gas corrected to standardized conditions of temperature and pressure. It is equivalent to the molar flow rate by the ideal gas law. Conversion of SCFM to mass flow requires knowledge of the mixture averaged … Wikipedia
standard electrode potential — standard reduction potential the electrochemical potential developed by a half cell under standard conditions (1 atm pressure; specified temperature, usually 25°C; substances in solution at 1 M concentration) compared to the potential of the… … Medical dictionary
Standard atmosphere — can refer to:* A standard reference value for air pressure: ** Atmosphere (unit), an approximation of the value at sea level ** Atmospheric pressure, other reference values * A model of how atmospheric pressure varies with altitude: ** The U.S.… … Wikipedia
standard — 1. standard [ stɑ̃dar ] n. m. et adj. inv. • 1857; h. 1702; mot angl. « étalon, type », a. fr. estandard, frq. °standhard « inébranlable » → étendard 1 ♦ Type, norme de fabrication. Spécialt Ensemble des caractéristiques définissant un système de … Encyclopédie Universelle