stall block

stall block
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "stall block" в других словарях:

  • block — I verb arrest, avert, ban, bar, barricade, blockade, bridle, check, choke, clog, close, cohibit, constrict, cramp, curb, dam, debar, delay, encumber, estop, exclude, fend off, forbid, foreclose, frustrate, halt, hamper, hinder, hobble, impede,… …   Law dictionary

  • stall — I verb arrest, avert, bar, block, bog, break down, bring to a standstill, check, dally, dawdle, defer, delay, detain, dillydally, disable, filibuster, halt, hamper, hinder, hold up, impede, incapacitate, inhibit, interrupt, keep back, lag, linger …   Law dictionary

  • block — [n1] mass of material bar, brick, cake, chunk, cube, hunk, ingot, loaf, lump, oblong, piece, section, segment, slab, slice, solid, square; concepts 470,471 block [n2] obstruction bar, barrier, blank wall, blockage, chunk, clog, hindrance,… …   New thesaurus

  • stall — {{11}}stall (n.1) place in a stable for animals, O.E. steall place where cattle are kept, place, position, from P.Gmc. *stallaz (Cf. O.N. stallr pedestal for idols, altar, O.Fris. stal, O.H.G. stall stand, place, stable, stall, Ger. Stall stable …   Etymology dictionary

  • stall — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a trader s stand or booth in a market etc., or out of doors. b a compartment in a building for the sale of goods. c a table in this on which goods are exposed. 2 a a stable or cowhouse. b a compartment for one animal in this. 3… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stall — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English steall; akin to Old High German stal place, stall and perhaps to Latin locus (Old Latin stlocus) place Date: before 12th century 1. a. a compartment for a domestic animal in a stable or barn b.… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • block — Synonyms and related words: Boeotian, Dutch auction, afterthought, agate, agnosia, apply to, aquatint, arm, arrest, auction, auction block, auction sale, autolithograph, ax, balk, ball, bar, barricade, barrier, baseball bat, bat, batch, battery,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • stall — Synonyms and related words: Fabian policy, Micawberism, Nissen hut, Quonset hut, acrobatics, aerobatics, alcove, amen corner, anxious bench, anxious seat, area, arrest, artifice, auditorium, backwardness, balcony, banking, barn, be dilatory,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • stall — 1. noun 1) a market stall Syn: stand, table, counter, booth, kiosk 2) stalls for larger animals Syn: pen, coop, sty, corral, enclosure, compartment 2. verb 1) …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Fastest Trowel on the Block — The Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition is hosted by the Mason Contractors Association of America. The contest showcases the speed and skill of a journeyman mason and how important teamwork is in accomplishing a final product. With the time… …   Wikipedia

  • Pingu episodes series 6 — This is an list of episodes with synopses for series 6 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu . =Series 1 (1986 1991)= =Series 2 (1991 1994)= =Series 3 (1994 1996)= =Series 4 (1998)= =Series 5 (2004)= =Series 6 (2005)= Pingu s Sledge …   Wikipedia

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