- specimen chamber
камера для образцов
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Environmental scanning electron microscope — Wool fibers imaged in an ESEM by the use of two symmetrical plastic scintillating backscattered electron detectors … Wikipedia
ESEM — stands for environmental scanning electron microscope. This is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that allows a gaseous environment in the specimen chamber. Whereas all conventional microscopes operate in vacuum, the ESEM has added a new… … Wikipedia
Scanning electron microscope — These pollen grains taken on an SEM show the characteristic depth of field of SEM micrographs … Wikipedia
Everhart-Thornley detector — The Everhart Thornley Detector is a secondary electron detector used in scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). It is named after its designers, Thomas E. Everhart and R. F. M. Thornley who in 1960 published their design to increase the efficiency… … Wikipedia
Electron backscatter diffraction — An electron backscatter diffraction pattern An electron backscatter diffraction pattern of monocrystalline silicon, taken … Wikipedia
Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… … Universalium
ICD-9-CM Volume 3 — is a system of procedural codes. It is a subset of ICD 9 CM (volumes 1 and 2 are used for diagnostic codes.) The United States National Center for Health Statistics drafted ICD 10 PCS in 2000 as a potential replacement for ICD 9 CM Volume 3, but… … Wikipedia
Reed Research Reactor — The Reed Research Reactor (RRR) is a research nuclear reactor located on campus at Reed College in Portland, OR. It is a pool type TRIGA Mark I reactor, built by General Atomics in 1968 and operated since then under licence from the Nuclear… … Wikipedia
Agkistrodon piscivorus — Agkistrodon piscivorus … Wikipedia
Cryostat — NASA s WISE infrared instrument is kept cold by a cryostat. The cryostat can be seen at the top of the spacecraft. A cryostat (from cryo meaning cold and stat meaning stationary) is a device used to maintain cold cryogenic temperatures. Low… … Wikipedia
Mary Anning — with her dog Tray, painted before 1842. The Golden Cap outcrop can be seen in the background Born 21 May 1799 … Wikipedia