- special inspection
специальный контроль
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Inspection Du Travail — Droit du travail en France Sources du droit du travail Internationales : OIT · UE Étatiques : Constitution · Loi · Règlement · Jurisprudence Professionnelles : Convention collective · Usage et engagement unilatéral · Règlement… … Wikipédia en Français
INSPECTION GÉNÉRALE DES FINANCES — Issue de l’inspection générale du Trésor créée en 1801 et chargée de vérifier les caisses des payeurs et receveurs, l’inspection générale des Finances doit sa véritable origine à la Restauration qui lui donna, par un arrêté du 25 mars 1816, sa… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Special measures — is a status applied by Ofsted and Estyn, the schools inspection agencies, to schools in England and Wales, respectively, when it considers that they fail to supply an acceptable level of education and appear to lack the leadership capacity… … Wikipedia
Inspection du travail — Droit du travail en France Sources du droit du travail Internationales : OIT · UE Étatiques : Constitution · Loi · Règlement · Jurisprudence Professionnelles : Convention collective · Usage et engagement unilatéral · Règlement… … Wikipédia en Français
Special agent — Within the United States, the title of Special Agent is used to describe any federal criminal or non criminal investigator or detective in the 1811, 1801, 2501 or similar job series as so titled according to the Office of Personnel Management… … Wikipedia
Inspection — Maintenance check of electronic equipment on a U.S. Navy aircraft. An inspection is, most generally, an organized examination or formal evaluation exercise. In engineering activities inspection involves the measurements, tests, and gauges applied … Wikipedia
Inspection du travail — The Inspection du travail (IT, Labour inspection ) is a French specialized body of civil servants, charged of the surveillance of labour law in firms, created in 1892 during the Third Republic. History The Labour inspection was officially created … Wikipedia
Inspection locomotive — An inspection locomotive was a special type of steam locomotive designed to carry railroad officials on inspection tours of the railroad property. They were fitted with passenger car like bodywork and seating. Many railroads in the nineteenth… … Wikipedia
Special constable — A special (police) constable (SC or SPC) is a law enforcement officer who is not a regular member of a police force, but is a member of a volunteer police auxiliary. Many police departments are complemented by a Special Constabulary, members of… … Wikipedia
Special Investigation Branch — The Special Investigation Branch (SIB) is the name given to the detective branches of all four British military police arms: the Royal Navy Regulating Branch, Royal Marines Police, Royal Military Police and Royal Air Force Police. It is most… … Wikipedia
Special school (Netherlands) — A special school ( bijzonder onderwijs ), in the education system of The Netherlands, is a separate category from a public or private school. It is not to be confused with speciaal onderwijs , which refers to schools specialized to deal with… … Wikipedia