- space principle
принцип лучшего использования пространства
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Useful space principle — The Useful Space Principle, or USP , was first articulated in a series of six articles in The Bridge World, from November 1980 through April 1981. (The International Bridge Press Association awarded its 1981/1982 award for Best Article or Series… … Wikipedia
Space — is the extent within which matter is physically extended and objects and events have positions relative to one another [ [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article 9068962/space Britannica Online Encyclopedia: Space] ] . Physical space is often… … Wikipedia
Space science — is an all encompassing term that describes all of the various science fields that are concerned with the study of the Universe, generally also meaning excluding the Earth and outside of the Earth s atmosphere . Originally, all of these fields… … Wikipedia
Space solar power — Space based solar power (SBSP or SSP) is the conversion of solar energy into power, usable either in space or on earth, from a location in space, usually geosynchronous orbit (GSO). Photovoltaics (PV) would generally be utilized for energy… … Wikipedia
Space-Based Radar — refers to space borne radar systems that may have any of a variety of purposes. A number of earth observing radar satellites, such as RadarSat, have employed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to obtain terrain and land cover information about the… … Wikipedia
Space Pets — were a line of pneumatic powered toys designed, manufactured and marketed by TOMY (Takara) for the American market in the early 1980s. Design The basic principle was to use a small air tank to capture, compress and controllably release air power… … Wikipedia
Principle of relativity — In physics, the principle of relativity is the requirement that the equations describing the laws of physics have the same form in all admissible frames of reference. For example, in the framework of special relativity the Maxwell equations have… … Wikipedia
Principle of least action — This article discusses the history of the principle of least action. For the application, please refer to action (physics). In physics, the principle of least action or more accurately principle of stationary action is a variational principle… … Wikipedia
Principle of sufficient reason — The principle of sufficient reason (also called the Causal Doctrine) states that anything that happens does so for a definite reason. In virtue of which no fact can be real or no statement true unless it has sufficient reason why it should be… … Wikipedia
Space technology — Teddy bears lifted to 30,085 metres above sea level on a helium balloon in a materials experiment by CU Spaceflight and SPARKS science club. Each of the bears wore a different space mask designed by 11 13 year olds from SPARKS. Space technology… … Wikipedia
Principle of individuation — The Principle of Individuation is a criterion which supposedly individuates or numerically distinguishes the members of the kind for which it is given, i.e. by which we can supposedly determine, regarding any kind of thing, when we have more than … Wikipedia