solid pattern

solid pattern
неразъемная модель
цельная модель

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "solid pattern" в других словарях:

  • Solid-state chemistry — is the study of the synthesis, structure, and physical properties of solid materials. It therefore has a strong overlap with solid state physics, mineralogy, crystallography, ceramics, metallurgy, thermodynamics, materials science and electronics …   Wikipedia

  • Pattern welding — is the practice in sword and knife making of forming a blade of several metal pieces of differing composition that are forge welded together and twisted and manipulated to form a pattern. Often incorrectly called Damascus steel (which is produced …   Wikipedia

  • Solid surface — is a man made material usually composed of marble dust, bauxite, acrylic or polyester resins and pigments. It is most frequently used for seamless countertop installations. Contents 1 Performance characteristics 2 Availability …   Wikipedia

  • Solid South — refers to the electoral support of the Southern United States for Democratic Party candidates for nearly a century from 1877, the end of the Reconstruction, to 1964. Democrats won by large margins in the South in every presidential election from… …   Wikipedia

  • solid — solidly, adv. solidness, n. /sol id/, adj. 1. having three dimensions (length, breadth, and thickness), as a geometrical body or figure. 2. of or pertaining to bodies or figures of three dimensions. 3. having the interior completely filled up,… …   Universalium

  • solid — sol|id1 [ salıd ] adjective *** ▸ 1 not liquid/gas ▸ 2 with no holes/breaks ▸ 3 strong ▸ 4 with no bad parts ▸ 5 with no pauses ▸ 6 of one substance/color ▸ 7 sensible/loyal 1. ) a solid substance is firm and hard and is not a liquid or a gas: It …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • solid — adj. & n. adj. (solider, solidest) 1 firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid (solid food; water becomes solid at 0°C). 2 of such material throughout, not hollow or containing cavities (a solid sphere). 3 of the same substance throughout… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Checkmate pattern — checkmate A checkmate pattern is a pattern of checkmate that occurs fairly frequently in chess. The diagrams that follow show the checkmates with White checkmating Black …   Wikipedia

  • Bloodstain pattern analysis — (BPA) is one of several specialties in the field of forensic science. The use of bloodstains as evidence is not new; however, the application of modern science has brought it to a higher level. New technologies, especially advances in DNA… …   Wikipedia

  • Central pattern generator — Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that produce rhythmic patterned outputs without sensory feedback.[1][2] CPGs have been shown to produce rhythmic outputs resembling normal rhythmic motor pattern production even in isolation… …   Wikipedia

  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater — North Amer …   Wikipedia

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