- smooth flow
плавное обтекание
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Smooth muscle tissue — Smooth muscle … Wikipedia
smooth — [smo͞oth] adj. [ME smothe < OE smoth, for earlier smethe < Gmc * smanthi < IE * som , together < base * sem , together, SAME] 1. a) having an even or level surface; having no roughness or projections that can be seen or felt b) having … English World dictionary
flow — [flō] vi. [ME flouen < OE flowan, akin to ON floa, to flood, OHG flouwen, to wash < IE base * pleu , to run, flow, fly > FLOOD, FLY1, FLEE, FLEET2, FLOAT, L pluere, to rain] 1. to … English World dictionary
flow — [n] issue, abundance breeze, continuance, continuation, continuity, course, current, deluge, discharge, draft, draw, dribble, drift, ebb, effusion, electricity, emanation, flood, flux, gush, juice, leakage, movement, oozing, outflow, outpouring,… … New thesaurus
flow — I n. 1) to regulate a flow 2) to staunch the flow (of blood) 3) a smooth; steady flow 4) a cash flow 5) a lava flow 6) a flow from; to (the flow of traffic to the city) II v. 1) (D; intr.) to flow from, out of (water flowed from the pipe) 2) ( … Combinatory dictionary
flow — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English flōwan; akin to Old High German flouwen to rinse, wash, Latin pluere to rain, Greek plein to sail, float Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. (1) to issue or move in a stream (2)… … New Collegiate Dictionary
smooth — smoothable, adj. smoother, n. smoothly, adv. smoothness, n. /smoohdh/, adj., smoother, smoothest, adv., v., n. adj. 1. free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a … Universalium
smooth — adj., v., n., & adv. adj. 1 having a relatively even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, indentations, and roughness. 2 not wrinkled, pitted, scored, or hairy (smooth skin). 3 that can be traversed without check. 4 (of… … Useful english dictionary
smooth — [[t]smuð[/t]] adj. smooth•er, smooth•est, adv. v. n. 1) free from projections or unevenness of surface 2) generally flat or unruffled, as a calm sea 3) bio free from hairs or a hairy growth: a smooth cheek[/ex] 4) of uniform consistency; free… … From formal English to slang
smooth — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English smothe, from Old English smōth; akin to Old Saxon smōthi smooth Date: before 12th century 1. a. (1) having a continuous even surface (2) of a curve being the representation of a function with a continuous… … New Collegiate Dictionary
flow — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy, large, massive ▪ good ▪ adequate ▪ poor ▪ … Collocations dictionary