- size category
класс по крупности
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Category management — is a retailing concept in which the total range of products sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete groups of similar or related products; these groups are known as product categories. Examples of grocery categories may be : tinned fish,… … Wikipedia
Category utility — is a measure of category goodness defined in Harvtxt|Gluck|Corter|1985 and Harvtxt|Corter|Gluck|1992. It was intended to supersede more limited measures of category goodness such as cue validity (Harvnb|Reed|1972;Harvnb|Rosch|Mervis|1975) and… … Wikipedia
Size divider — Size dividers are used by clothing stores to help customers find the right size. Like index cards, they are found on racks between sizes. There are three basic types: the rectangular, round and the king size. Among the stores that use them are… … Wikipedia
Size functor — Given a size pair (M,f) where M is a manifold of dimensionn and f is an arbitrary real continuous function definedon it, the i th size functor Francesca Cagliari, Massimo Ferri, Paola Pozzi, Size functions from a categorical viewpoint , Acta… … Wikipedia
category — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ broad, general, large ▪ narrow ▪ basic ▪ individual, one, single … Collocations dictionary
Category of being — In metaphysics (in particular, ontology), the different kinds or ways of being are called categories of being or simply categories. To investigate the categories of being is to determine the most fundamental and the broadest classes of entities.… … Wikipedia
Mid-size car — A Japanese designed mid size sedan, 2004 Honda Accord / Honda Inspire (Japan) A mid size car (occasionally referred to as an intermediate) is the North American/Australian standard for an automobile with a size equal to or greater than that of a… … Wikipedia
Plus size — The women s size range that caters to women who wear sizes 14 to 28. This segment of the women s clothing market accounts for only 19 percent of sales, while recent bodyscanning data and other surveys indicate that approximately two thirds of… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Vehicle size class — Vehicle size classes are a way of classifying cars. The common North American parlance is word based, while English speaking European writers also use words to describe car sizes. In parts of Asia, segment letters are sometimes used.North… … Wikipedia
Effect size — In statistics, an effect size is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables in a statistical population, or a sample based estimate of that quantity. An effect size calculated from data is a descriptive statistic that… … Wikipedia
Shoe size — A shoe size is an alphanumerical indication of the fitting size of a shoe for a person. Often it just consists of a number indicating the length because many shoemakers only provide a standard width for economic reasons. There are several… … Wikipedia