- sheath
• защитный колпачок• обмотка
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Sheath — Sheath, n. [OE. schethe, AS. sc[=ae][eth], sce[ a][eth], sc[=e][eth]; akin to OS. sk[=e][eth]ia, D. scheede, G. scheide, OHG. sceida, Sw. skida, Dan. skede, Icel. skei[eth]ir, pl., and to E. shed, v.t., originally meaning, to separate, to part.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sheath — may refer to:* Scabbard, a container for a sword or other large blade * Condom, a kind of contraception * Vagina, the internal structure of the female genitalia * Koteka, a penis sheath worn by some natives of New Guinea * Debye sheath, a layer… … Wikipedia
Sheath — Студийный альбом … Википедия
sheath — [ʃi:θ] n plural sheaths [: Old English; Origin: sceath] 1.) a cover for the blade of a knife or sword ▪ His sword was back in its sheath. 2.) BrE old fashioned a ↑condom 3.) a protective covering that fits closely around s … Dictionary of contemporary English
sheath — ► NOUN (pl. sheaths) 1) a cover for the blade of a knife or sword. 2) a condom. 3) a structure in living tissue which closely envelops another. 4) a protective covering around an electric cable. 5) (also sheath dress) a close fitting dress … English terms dictionary
sheath — [shēth] n. pl. sheaths [shēthz, shēths] [ME schethe < OE sceath, akin to Ger scheide < IE base * skei , to cut, split, divide (> L scire, to know): the earliest form of sheath was prob. a split stick] 1. a case for the blade of a knife,… … English World dictionary
sheath — index cover (protection) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sheath — [ ʃiθ ] (plural sheaths [ ʃiðz ] ) noun count 1. ) a cover used for carrying a knife or a sword a ) something that surrounds and protects another thing 2. ) a dress that fits tightly around a woman s body … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sheath — O.E. sceað, scæð, from P.Gmc. *skaithiz (Cf. O.S. scethia, O.N. skeiðir (pl.), O.Fris. skethe, M.Du. schede, Du. schede, O.H.G. skaida, Ger. scheide scabbard ), possibly from root *skaith divide, split (see SHED (Cf … Etymology dictionary
sheath — is pronounced sheeth (like teeth) in the singular and sheedhz (like seethes) in the plural … Modern English usage
sheath|er — «SHEE thuhr», noun. a person who sheathes … Useful english dictionary