- shadowgraph
• гамма-снимок• прибор для проекционного контроля
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Shadowgraph — is an optical method that reveals non uniformities in transparent media like air, water, or glass. It is related to, but simpler than, the schlieren and schlieren photography methods that perform a similar function.In principle, we cannot… … Wikipedia
shadowgraph — [shad′ōgraf΄, shad′ōgräf΄] n. an image or silhouette produced by throwing a shadow upon a lighted surface … English World dictionary
Shadowgraph — Le Shadowgraph est une méthode optique qui consiste à exposer sous une lumière des volumes transparents (gaz, liquide, verre) afin de récupérer l ombre des diffractions et de les dessiner. Le résultat de l utilisation d un shadowgraph est appelé… … Wikipédia en Français
shadowgraph — noun Date: 1886 1. shadow play 2. a photographic image resembling a shadow • shadowgraphy noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
shadowgraph — shadowgraphic /shad oh graf ik/, adj. shadowgraphist, n. shadowgraphy, n. /shad oh graf , grahf /, n. 1. a picture produced by throwing a shadow, as of the hands, on a lighted screen, wall, or the like. 2. See shadow play. 3. a radiograph. [1885… … Universalium
shadowgraph — noun An optical technique of visualizing patterns of fluid flow by using differences in refractive index … Wiktionary
shadowgraph — n. image created by casting shadows onto a surface … English contemporary dictionary
shadowgraph — noun 1》 an image formed by the shadow of an object on a surface. 2》 an image formed when light shone through a fluid is refracted differently by regions of different density. 3》 a radiograph … English new terms dictionary
shadowgraph — shad·ow·graph … English syllables
shadowgraph — /ˈʃædoʊgræf/ (say shadohgraf), / graf/ (say grahf) noun 1. a picture produced by throwing a shadow, as of the hands, on a lighted screen. 2. → radiograph (def. 1). 3. Aerospace an image which shows the density gradients in the flow about a body… …
shadowgraph — n. 1 an image or photograph made by means of X rays; = RADIOGRAM 2. 2 a picture formed by a shadow cast on a lighted surface. 3 an image formed by light refracted differently by different densities of a fluid … Useful english dictionary