settle out

settle out

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "settle out" в других словарях:

  • settle out of court — Ⅰ. settle (a case) out of court ► LAW to end a legal disagreement without taking legal action: »The firm has agreed to settle out of court. Main Entry: ↑court Ⅱ. settle out of court ► LAW to end an argument without having to go to a court of law …   Financial and business terms

  • settle out of court — find a solution to a problem without a need to go to court …   English contemporary dictionary

  • settle — set·tle vb set·tled, set·tling vt 1: to resolve conclusively settle a question of law 2: to establish or secure permanently a settled legal principle 3 …   Law dictionary

  • settle — set‧tle [ˈsetl] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to end an argument by agreeing to do something: • The two companies signed a pact that settled the patent suit. • Before the second phase of the trial, the companysettled out of court (= ended… …   Financial and business terms

  • settle a case out of court — Ⅰ. settle (a case) out of court ► LAW to end a legal disagreement without taking legal action: »The firm has agreed to settle out of court. Main Entry: ↑court Ⅱ. settle out of court ► LAW to end an argument without having to go to a court of law …   Financial and business terms

  • out of court — ➔ court1 * * * out of court UK US adverb ► LAW if two people or companies reach an agreement out of court, they find a solution to a legal argument without using a court of law: »Banks often opt to settle out of court …   Financial and business terms

  • settle — set|tle W2S2 [ˈsetl] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(end argument)¦ 2¦(decide)¦ 3¦(start living in a place)¦ 4¦(comfortable)¦ 5¦(quiet/calm)¦ 6¦(move down)¦ 7¦(pay money)¦ 8¦(organize business/money)¦ 9 settle a score/account 10 some …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • settle — 1 / setl/ verb 1 MAKE COMFORTABLE/SAFE a) (intransitive always + adv/prep, transitive always + adv/prep) to put yourself or someone else in a comfortable position (+ back/into/down): Mel settled back in his chair and closed his eyes. | settle… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • settle — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. define, fix, confirm, appoint; agree upon; resolve, determine, decide, conclude; tranquilize, calm; reconcile, adjust, compose; discharge, square, pay, set at rest; place, establish; people, colonize …   English dictionary for students

  • settle — verb 1 end an argument ADVERB ▪ amicably, peacefully ▪ Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading. ▪ eventually, finally ▪ The matter has not yet been finally settled …   Collocations dictionary

  • settle — I. /ˈsɛtl / (say setl) verb (settled, settling) –verb (t) 1. to appoint or fix definitely; agree upon (a time, price, conditions, etc.). 2. to place in a desired position or in order. 3. to pay (a bill, account due, or the like). 4. to close (an… …  

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