acid mechanism

acid mechanism
кислотный механизм

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "acid mechanism" в других словарях:

  • Acid-base homeostasis — is the part of human homeostasis concerning the proper balance between acids and bases, in other words the pH. The body is very sensitive to its pH level. Outside the range of pH that is compatible with life, proteins are denatured and digested,… …   Wikipedia

  • Acid dissociation constant — Acetic acid, a weak acid, donates a proton (hydrogen ion, high …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanism of action of aspirin — 3D model of chemical structure of aspirin Aspirin causes several different effects in the body, mainly the reduction of inflammation, analgesia (relief of pain), the prevention of clotting, and the reduction of fever. Much of this is believed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Acid–base homeostasis — Blood gas, acid base, gas exchange terms PaO2 Arterial oxygen tension, or partial pressure PAO2 Alveolar oxygen tension, or partial pressure PACO2 Arterial carbon dioxide tension, or partial pressure PaCO2 Alveolar carbon dioxide tension, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Acid–base reaction — An acid base reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base. Several concepts exist which provide alternative definitions for the reaction mechanisms involved and their application in solving related problems. Despite… …   Wikipedia

  • acid–base catalysis — ▪ chemistry       acceleration of a chemical reaction by the addition of an acid or a base, the acid or base itself not being consumed in the reaction. The catalytic reaction may be acid specific (acid catalysis), as in the case of decomposition… …   Universalium

  • Mechanism of sonoluminescence — Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon that occurs when a small gas bubble is acoustically suspended and periodically driven in a liquid solution at ultrasonic frequencies, resulting in bubble collapse, cavitation, and light emission. The thermal… …   Wikipedia

  • nucleic acid — /nooh klee ik, klay , nyooh /, Biochem. any of a group of long, linear macromolecules, either DNA or various types of RNA, that carry genetic information directing all cellular functions: composed of linked nucleotides. [1890 95; NUCLE(US) + IC;… …   Universalium

  • Hypochlorous acid — Hypochlorous acid …   Wikipedia

  • 2-Iodoxybenzoic acid — Chembox new ImageFile = IBXAcid.png ImageSize = ImageFileL1 = 2 iodoxybenzoic acid 3D balls.png ImageFileR1 = 2 iodoxybenzoic acid 3D vdW.png IUPACName = OtherNames = IBX Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 61717 82 6 PubChem = SMILES =… …   Wikipedia

  • Valproic acid — Systematic (IUPAC) name 2 propylpentanoic …   Wikipedia

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