- acid anhydride
кислотный ангидрид
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Acid anhydride — An acid anhydride is an organic compound that has two acyl groups bound to the same oxygen atom.GoldBookRef|title=acid anhydrides|url=http://goldbook.iupac.org/A00072.html] Most commonly, the acyl groups are derived from the same carboxylic acid … Wikipedia
acid anhydride — rūgšties anhidridas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Apibrėžtį žr. priede. priedas( ai) Grafinis formatas atitikmenys: angl. acid anhydride rus. ангидрид кислоты ryšiai: sinonimas – anhidridas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Acid anhydride hydrolases — are a class of hydrolase enzymes catalyzes the hydrolysis of a acid anhydride bond.They are classified under EC number 3.6.One well known member of this class is GTPase.ee also* External links* … Wikipedia
acid anhydride — an anhydride formed by dehydration of an acid or one that forms an acid upon hydration; if bimolecular, it can be composed of two molecules of the same acid (e.g., acetic anhydride or pyrophosphate), or it can be a mixed anhydride … Medical dictionary
acid anhydride — Chem. See under anhydride (def. 1). * * * … Universalium
acid anhydride — noun A class of organic compounds having two acyl groups bonded to the same oxygen atom. They react with water to give carboxylic acids. Syn: acyl anhydride … Wiktionary
acid anhydride — Chem. See under anhydride (def. 1) … Useful english dictionary
arsenic acid anhydride — arseno(V) oksidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė As₂O₅ atitikmenys: angl. arsenic acid anhydride; arsenic pentoxide; arsenic(V) oxide rus. мышьяка(V) оксид; мышьяковый ангидрид ryšiai: sinonimas – diarseno pentoksidas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
arsenous acid anhydride — arseno(III) oksidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė As₂O₃ atitikmenys: angl. arsenic trioxide; arsenic(III) oxide; arsenious oxide; arsenous acid anhydride; arsenous oxide; white arsenic rus. белый мышьяк; мышьяка пятиокись; мышьяка… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
nitric acid anhydride — azoto(V) oksidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė N₂O₅ atitikmenys: angl. nitric acid anhydride; nitrogen pentaoxide rus. азота пятиокись; азота(V) оксид; ангидрид азотной кислоты ryšiai: sinonimas – diazoto pentoksidas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Anhydride oxalique — Général Nom IUPAC oxirane 2,3 dione No CAS … Wikipédia en Français