- scrib
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
scrib — SCRIB, scribi, s.m. 1. (La vechii egipteni) Funcţionar inferior având atribuţii de contabil şi de copist. 2. Persoană care redacta sau copia acte. 3. Scriitor sau gazetar fără valoare, de obicei aservit unui partid politic. 4. Cărturar la vechii… … Dicționar Român
scrib|al — «SKRY buhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with a scribe. 2. made by a scribe or copyist: »a scribal error … Useful english dictionary
scrib|er — «SKRY buhr», noun. 1. a pointed tool for marking or cutting lines, as on wood, stone, or metal. 2. a person who scribes … Useful english dictionary
scrib — cir·cum·scrib·a·ble; de·scrib·abil·i·ty; de·scrib·able; de·scrib·er; in·scrib·able; out·scrib·er; pre·scrib·er; scrib·al; scrib·bla·tive; scrib·ble·ment; scrib·bling·ly; scrib·bly; scrib·er; scrib·ism; sub·scrib·er; tran·scrib·er; in·scrib·er;… … English syllables
SCRIB — Scribbled homolog (Drosophila), also known as SCRIB, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: SCRIB scribbled homolog (Drosophila)| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=23513| accessdate =… … Wikipedia
scrib|ble — scrib|ble1 «SKRIHB uhl», verb, bled, bling, noun. –v.t. 1. to write or draw carelessly or hastily: »to scribble verses. 2. to write in an untidy or illegible hand: »to scribble a note. 3. to cover or fill with meaningless scrawls, sloppy writing … Useful english dictionary
scrib|bler — «SKRIHB luhr», noun. 1. a person who scribbles. 2. Figurative. an author who has little or no importance … Useful english dictionary
scrib|bling — «SKRIHB lihng», noun. 1. the act of a person who scribbles. 2. a scribble; scrawl … Useful english dictionary
scrib — s. m., pl. scribi … Romanian orthography
SCRIB — scriba, scribae, Scriboniani, scribsit … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
scrib — … Useful english dictionary