Brinell hardness number — n a number expressing Brinell hardness and denoting the load applied in testing in kilograms divided by the spherical area of indentation produced in the specimen in square millimeters * * * Bri·nell hardness number (brĭ nelґ) [Johann August … Medical dictionary
Brinell hardness number — Brinell hardness number. См. Число твер дости по Бринеллю. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Brinell hardness number — Brinelio kietis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Brinell hardness; Brinell hardness number; Brinell number vok. Brinellhärte, f; Brinellsche Härte, f; Härtezahl nach Brinell, f rus. твёрдость Бринелля, f; твёрдость по Бринеллю, f;… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Brinell hardness number — noun Date: 1915 a number expressing Brinell hardness and denoting the load applied in testing in kilograms divided by the spherical area of indentation produced in the specimen in square millimeters called also Brinell number … New Collegiate Dictionary
Brinell hardness number — Metall. a rating obtained from a test (Brinell test) to determine the hardness of a metal by pressing a steel ball of a standard size into the metal using a standard force. Also called Brinell number. Abbr.: Bhn [named after J.A. Brinell (1849… … Universalium
Brinell hardness number — Metall. a rating obtained from a test (Brinell test) to determine the hardness of a metal by pressing a steel ball of a standard size into the metal using a standard force. Also called Brinell number. Abbr.: Bhn [named after J.A. Brinell (1849… … Useful english dictionary
Brinell hardness number — Bri•nell′ hard′ness num ber [[t]brɪˈnɛl[/t]] n. mel a rating obtained from a test(Brinell′ test )to determine the hardness of a metal by pressing a steel ball of a standard size into the metal using a standard force. Abbr.: Bhn • Etymology: after … From formal English to slang
Brinell hardness — Brinelio kietis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Brinell hardness; Brinell hardness number; Brinell number vok. Brinellhärte, f; Brinellsche Härte, f; Härtezahl nach Brinell, f rus. твёрдость Бринелля, f; твёрдость по Бринеллю, f;… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Vickers hardness number — (HV or VHN) or Vickers pyramid number (VPN) a measure of the hardness of a metal introduced by Vickers in 1922. In the Vickers test (suitable for surface hardened metals), a pyramidal diamond is pressed into the material being tested. The… … Dictionary of units of measurement
hardness number — the number used to designate the hardness of metal. The number is related to the scale of values of a particular hardness test, as Rockwell B 80 or Brinell 150 … Mechanics glossary
brinell hardness — brə̇ˈnel , ˈbriˌn noun Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: after Johann A. Brinell died 1925 Swedish engineer : the hardness of a metal or alloy measured by a manually operated vertical hydraulic press in which a hard steel or carbide ball of … Useful english dictionary