- sand test
испытание формовочной смеси
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Sand-Test — Der Sand Test ist eine US amerikanische Methode zur Ermittlung des Arbeitsvermögens eines Sprengstoffs. In Sand einer bestimmten Siebfraktion (Korngröße) wird eine definierte Menge Sprengstoff zur Explosion gebracht. Anschließend bestimmt man die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Test de Trauzl — Le test de trauzl ou test du bloc de plomb de Trauzl est un test de comparaison empirique pour évaluer la puissance explosive de matières explosives. Il consiste à mesurer l expansion d un bloc de plomb suite à l explosion d un échantillon à l… … Wikipédia en Français
Sand dollar — Temporal range: 56 –0 Ma … Wikipedia
Sand-based athletic fields — are sporting grounds constructed on sand, which have certain advantages over those built on native soils. Highly maintained areas of turf, such as those on an athletic field or on golf greens and tees, can be grown in native soil or sand based… … Wikipedia
Sand County Foundation — Sand County Foundation, located in Monona, Wisconsin, USA, is a non profit private land conservation organization formed in 1965. Its work is inspired by world renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold’s land management philosophy. Mission Sand… … Wikipedia
Sand, Applecross — Sand is the site of a major archaeological excavation on the Inner Sound coast of the Applecross Peninsula in Western Scotland, to the north of the small town of Applecross.A small number of shell middens were known as rare traces of Mesolithic… … Wikipedia
Test for Echo — Studioalbum von Rush Veröffentlichung September 1996 Label Atlantic Records … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sand — For other uses, see Sand (disambiguation). Close up of sand from the Gobi Desert, Mongolia, showing a surface area of 1 square centimetres … Wikipedia
test — test1 testable, adj. testability, n. testingly, adv. /test/, n. 1. the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial. 2. the trial of the quality of something: to put to the test. 3. a particular … Universalium
Sand Springs Range — The Sand Springs Range is a short mountain range located in western Nevada in the United States. It is approximately 10 miles long and is in Churchill County. It separates Salt Wells (to the west) from Fairview Valley (to the east). To the north … Wikipedia
sand dollar — any of various flat, disklike sea urchins, as Mellita testudinata or Echinarachnius parma, that live on sandy bottoms off the coasts of the U.S. [1880 85, Amer.] * * * Any echinoderm (order Clypeastroida, class Echinoidea) that has a coinlike,… … Universalium