- sampler
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
sampler — [ sɑ̃plɶr ] n. m. • 1987; mot angl., de sample « échantillon » ♦ Échantillonneur de sons. Des samplers. ● sampler nom masculin (anglais sampler, échantillonneur) Musique Échantillonneur. ● sampler verbe transitif (de l anglais to sample,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sampler — may mean: * Sampler (signal), a digital signal processing device that converts a continuous signal to a discrete signal * Sampler (musical instrument), a device used to create digital recordings called samples * Sampler (record), a type of… … Wikipedia
Sampler — (ingl.; pronunc. [sámpler]) m. Aparato electrónico que codifica digitalmente sonidos previamente grabados, los manipula y permite utilizarlos como parte de una grabación nueva. * * * Un sampler es un aparato que permite tener un archivo de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Sampler — Sam pler, n. [See {Exampler}, {Exemplar}.] 1. One who makes up samples for inspection; one who examines samples, or by samples; as, a wool sampler. [1913 Webster] 2. A pattern; a specimen; especially, a collection of needlework patterns, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sampler — [sam′plər, säm′plər] n. [ SAMPLER senses 1 & 2 < SAMPLE + ER; SAMPLER sense 4 < ME samplere, aphetic < OFr essamplaire < LL exemplarium < L exemplum: see EXAMPLE] 1. a person who prepares or selects samples for inspection 2. a … English World dictionary
sampler — UK US /ˈsɑːmplər/ US /ˈsæmplɚ/ noun [C] COMMERCE ► a collection that contains some examples of something, so that you can get an idea of what it is like: »The Mozart Record Edition is on 45 compact disks by Philips, but Decca is offering a more… … Financial and business terms
sampler — (n.) embroidery specimen by a beginner to show skill, 1520s, from SAMPLE (Cf. sample) (n.), probably transferred from meaning piece of embroidery serving as a pattern to be copied, from the notion of an example to be imitated (c.1300) … Etymology dictionary
sampler — ► NOUN 1) a piece of embroidery worked in various stitches as a specimen of skill. 2) a representative collection or example of something. 3) a device for sampling music and sound … English terms dictionary
Sampler — Un sampler AKAI MPC2000. Un sampler es un instrumento musical electrónico similar en algunos aspectos a un sintetizador pero que, en lugar de generar sonidos, utiliza grabaciones (o samples) de sonidos que son cargadas o grabadas en él por el… … Wikipedia Español
Sampler — Sam|pler auch: Samp|ler 〈[ sa:mplə(r)] m. 3; Mus.〉 Sammlung erfolgreicher Musiktitel einer bestimmten Stilrichtung, eines Zeitabschnitts, eines Sängers od. einer Gruppe (auf Tonträgern) [engl., „Auswahlplatte, CD“] * * * Sam|p|ler [ sɛmplɐ ,… … Universal-Lexikon
Sampler EP — Infobox Album Name = Sampler EP Type = Album Artist = Shades of Fiction Genre = Rock, Electronic Length = 9:57 Label = ShadesOfMusic Producer = This album = Sampler EP (2004) Next album = The Nurse With Amnesia (2005) Sampler EP is the first… … Wikipedia