- row of dislocation
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Cervical dislocation — Cervical dislocation, breaking the neck or snapping the spine are terms used to describe this killing method intended to be quick and painless.[1] This is a technique used in physical euthanasia by applying pressure to the neck and dislocating… … Wikipedia
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
crystal — crystallike, adj. /kris tl/, n., adj., v., crystaled, crystaling or (esp. Brit.) crystalled, crystalling. n. 1. a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice. 2. the transparent form of crystallized quartz. 3. Chem., Mineral. a solid body… … Universalium
Crystal — /kris tl/, n. 1. a city in SE Minnesota, near Minneapolis. 25,543. 2. a female given name. * * * I Any solid material whose atoms are arranged in a definite pattern and whose surface regularity reflects its internal symmetry. Each of a crystal s… … Universalium
Assassinat d'Orlando Letelier — Le 21 septembre 1976, Orlando Letelier, ancien ministre de la Défense de Salvador Allende, est assassiné à Washington (District de Columbia) dans un attentat à la voiture piégée commis sur ordre de Pinochet. Sa collaboratrice Ronni… … Wikipédia en Français
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
solids, mechanics of — ▪ physics Introduction science concerned with the stressing (stress), deformation (deformation and flow), and failure of solid materials and structures. What, then, is a solid? Any material, fluid or solid, can support normal forces.… … Universalium
Surface diffusion — [ adatom diffusing across a square surface lattice. Note the frequency of vibration of the adatom is greater than the jump rate to nearby sites. Also, the model displays examples of both nearest neighbor jumps (straight) and next nearest neighbor … Wikipedia
Robert Scherrer — (né à Brooklyn, New York et décédé en 1995[1]) était un agent du FBI en poste en Amérique latine dans les années 1970. Qualifié par le journaliste John Dinges de « centrale de renseignement à lui tout seul »[2], il avait de nombreux… … Wikipédia en Français
Mark Edmondson (rugby league) — Mark Edmondson Personal information Nickname Edmo and Frank Born 3 November 1979 (1979 11 03) (age 32) Heysham, England Playing information Height 6 ft 2 in … Wikipedia