- abrasive slurry
• абразивный шлам• шлам с абразивными свойствами
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
abrasive slurry polishing — poliravimas abrazyvine suspensija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. abrasive slurry polishing vok. Polieren mit Schleifsuspension, n rus. полировка абразивной суспензией, f pranc. polissage par suspension abrasive, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Abrasive machining — is a manufacturing process where material is removed from a workpiece using a multitude of small abrasive particles. Common examples include grinding, honing, and polishing. Abrasive processes are usually expensive, but capable of tighter… … Wikipedia
Abrasive blasting — Sandblasting a stone wall Diesel powered compressor used as an air supply for sandblasting … Wikipedia
Slurry — A slurry is, in general, a thick suspension of solids in a liquid and may be: * A mixture of water and cement to form concrete * A mixture of water, gelling agent, and oxidizers used as an explosive * A mixture of water and Bentonite used to make … Wikipedia
polissage par suspension abrasive — poliravimas abrazyvine suspensija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. abrasive slurry polishing vok. Polieren mit Schleifsuspension, n rus. полировка абразивной суспензией, f pranc. polissage par suspension abrasive, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Магнитно-абразивная обработка (зарубежные публикации) — Публикации по магнитно абразивной обработке (МАО) в зарубежных журналах (на английском языке): 2009 Effects of Horizontal Vibration Assistance on Surface Roughness in Magnetic Abrasive Finishing / Shao Hui Yin, Yu Wang, Han Huang, Yong Jian Zhu,… … Википедия
Lapping — is a machining operation, in which two surfaces are rubbed together with an abrasive between them, by hand movement or by way of a machine.This can take two forms. The first type of lapping (traditionally called grinding), typically involves… … Wikipedia
Ultrasonic Machining Operation — Ultrasonic Machining, also known as ultrasonic impact grinding(2), is a cold cutting operation(1) in which an abrasive slurry freely flows between the workpiece and the vibrating tool. The tool never contacts the workpiece and as a result the… … Wikipedia
machine tool — machine tooled, adj. a power operated machine, as a lathe, used for general cutting and shaping of metal and other substances. [1860 65] * * * Stationary, power driven machine used to cut, shape, or form materials such as metal and wood. Machine… … Universalium
Radioactive dentin abrasion — A procedure for the measurement of either tooth enamel or dentin abrasion by the use of human teeth made radioactive by mild neutron irradiation.Abrasive is the term for a dentifrice cleaning agent which, in concert with the brushing action of… … Wikipedia
Polieren mit Schleifsuspension — poliravimas abrazyvine suspensija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. abrasive slurry polishing vok. Polieren mit Schleifsuspension, n rus. полировка абразивной суспензией, f pranc. polissage par suspension abrasive, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas