- roll out
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
roll|out — roll out or roll|out «ROHL OWT», noun. 1. Informal. the first public showing of something new, as an aircraft or space vehicle. 2. U.S. Football. a play in which a quarterback runs out of the area formed by blockers before passing: »Duhon…was a… … Useful english dictionary
roll out — • roll out v. • roll out n. Companies are constantly introducing new products and services that you don t want or need. The elaborate process of introducing something new is a roll out. The verb form is used thusly: We rolled this piece of crap… … Business English jargon and slang
roll-out — • roll out v. • roll out n. Companies are constantly introducing new products and services that you don t want or need. The elaborate process of introducing something new is a roll out. The verb form is used thusly: We rolled this piece of crap… … Business English jargon and slang
Roll-out — Roll|out, Roll out [roʊl |a̮ut ], das, auch: der; s, s [engl. roll out, eigtl.= herausrollen, bringen]: 1. öffentliche Vorstellung eines neuen Fahrzeugtyps (bes. eines Flugzeugs). 2. (EDV) Veröffentlichung neuer Softwareprodukte u. ihre… … Universal-Lexikon
Roll-out — Roll out, auch Roll|out [... aut] das; s, s <aus engl. roll out »das Vorstellen«, eigtl. »das Hinausrollen«> öffentliche Vorstellung eines neuen Fahrzeugtyps (bes. eines Flugzeugs) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
roll out — (something) to offer a new product or service to the public. The provider plans to roll out its new Internet access service next month. They ve experimented with the system in regional markets, and will roll it out nationally this fall … New idioms dictionary
roll-out — n [U and C] an occasion when a new product is made available for people to buy or use = ↑launch ▪ Sun had to cancel the intended roll out of the 514 model … Dictionary of contemporary English
roll out — ► roll out officially launch (a new product). Main Entry: ↑roll … English terms dictionary
roll out — index spread Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
roll-out — UK US (also rollout) noun [C or U] (also rolling launch) MARKETING ► an occasion when a new product or service is gradually made available to more people after it has first been tested in a particular area: rollout of sth »Rollout of the new… … Financial and business terms
roll out — verb 1. flatten or spread with a roller (Freq. 1) roll out the paper • Syn: ↑roll • Derivationally related forms: ↑roll (for: ↑roll) … Useful english dictionary