- ripple mark
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
ripple-mark — [ ripɶlmark ] n. f. • 1904; mot angl. , de ripple « clapotis » et mark « marque » ♦ Anglic. Géogr. Petite ride du sable formée par le clapotement des eaux à la surface des plages. Des ripple marks. ● ripple mark, ripple marks nom féminin (anglais … Encyclopédie Universelle
ripple mark — n. any of the ripply lines on the surface of sand, mud, etc. caused by waves, wind, or both … English World dictionary
ripple mark — noun one of a series of small ridges produced in sand by water currents or by wind • Hypernyms: ↑ridge * * * noun 1. a. : the undulating surface of a ridge or trough produced in incoherent granular material (as loose sand) by wind, currents of… … Useful english dictionary
ripple mark — An undulating surface of alternating, subparallel, small scale ridges and depressions, commonly composed of loose sand. It is produced on land by wind and under water by the agitation of water by currents or wave action, and generally tends at … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
ripple mark — Geol. 1. one of the wavy lines or ridges produced, esp. on sand, by the action of waves, wind, or the like. 2. one of such forms preserved in sandstone or siltstone. [1825 35] * * * One of a series of small marine, lake, or riverine features,… … Universalium
ripple mark — noun Date: 1833 1. one of a series of small ridges produced especially on sand by the action of wind, a current of water, or waves 2. a striation across the grain of wood especially on the tangential surface • ripple marked adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
ripple mark — rip′ple mark n. 1) gel one of the wavy lines or ridges produced, esp. on sand, by the action of waves, wind, or the like 2) gel one of such forms preserved in sandstone or siltstone • Etymology: 1825–35 … From formal English to slang
ripple mark — A wavelike sculpture on water covered sand surfaces obtained by wave action [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
ripple mark — /ˈrɪpəl mak/ (say ripuhl mahk) noun one of the wavy lines or ridges produced on sand, etc., by waves, wind, or the like …
ripple-mark — … Useful english dictionary
-mark — ripple mark … Dictionnaire des rimes