- rimming
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Rimming — Rim Rim, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rimmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rimming}.] To furnish with a rim; to border. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rimming — Illustration einer Frau, die Anilingus mit einer Partnerin vollzieht Der Anilingus (Kunstwort aus lat. anus: After und lingere: lecken; engl. Rimming oder Rim Job; häufig auch als Oroanalkontakt[1], Zungenanal, Afterlecken[2] oder lateinisch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rimming — Anulingus Une femme effectuant un anulingus sur une autre femme. L anulingus, ou anilinctus, est une pratique sexuelle consistant en l excitation buccale de l anus ou du périnée. Cette pratique est aussi désignée par l expression « feuille… … Wikipédia en Français
Rimming sugar — is a sugar based preparation used to decorate and flavor the rims of cocktail glasses. Rimming sugar is often flavored with fruit juice, spices or other flavorings, and different varieties are best suited to different cocktails. It is typically… … Wikipedia
rimming — noun The act of performing a rim job; anilingus … Wiktionary
rimming — rɪm n. edge, brink; frame or edge surrounding an object; metal hoop from which a basketball net is hung; outer edge of a wheel; metal edge of a wheel on which a tire is placed v. furnish with a rim, border with, surround with; serve as a rim,… … English contemporary dictionary
rimming — present part of rim … Useful english dictionary
rimming steel — Смотри кипящая сталь … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
rimmed, rimming — verb (T) literary to be around the edge of something: Trees rimmed the lake … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
кипящая сталь — [rimming steel] низкоуглеродистая недостаточно раскисленная (только Mn) сталь, продолжающая «кипеть» после заливки в изложницы и «расти» при кристаллизации вследствии большого содержания в ней О2 (до 0,02 0,04 % против 0,005 0,006% в спокойной… … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Anal–oral sex — Anal–oral sex, also referred to or described as anal–oral contact or anilingus (from anus + lingus (Latin Lingere :to lick)), also incorrectly spelled analingus, is a form of oral sex involving contact between the anus or perineum of one person… … Wikipedia