- repeated bending stress strength
предел усталости при повторных изгибающих усилиях
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
tunnels and underground excavations — ▪ engineering Introduction Great tunnels of the world Great tunnels of the worldhorizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature s action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. A vertical opening … Universalium
ship — shipless, adj. shiplessly, adv. /ship/, n., v., shipped, shipping. n. 1. a vessel, esp. a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines. 2. Naut. a. a sailing vessel square rigged on all of three or more masts, having jibs, staysails, and a… … Universalium
Dauerversuche [2] — Dauerversuche. Die neueren Dauerversuche unterscheiden sich nach der Art der Materialbeanspruchung in: I. Versuche mit zyklischem Spannungswechsel, bei denen der Wechsel zwischen der oberen und unteren Spannungsgrenze sich wie bei den älteren… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
fatigue — fatigueless, adj. fatiguingly, adv. /feuh teeg /, n., adj., v., fatigued, fatiguing. n. 1. weariness from bodily or mental exertion. 2. a cause of weariness; slow ordeal; exertion: the fatigue of driving for many hours. 3. Physiol. temporary… … Universalium
iceberg — /uys berrg/, n. 1. a large floating mass of ice, detached from a glacier and carried out to sea. 2. Informal. an emotionally cold person. 3. Australian Informal. a person who swims or surfs regularly in winter. 4. tip of the iceberg, the first… … Universalium
Bow (weapon) — A bow is a weapon that projects arrows powered by the elasticity of the bow. As the bow is drawn, energy is stored in the limbs of the bow and transformed into rapid motion when the string is released, with the string transferring this force to… … Wikipedia
Bearing (mechanical) — A bearing is a device to allow constrained relative motion between two or more parts, typically rotation or linear movement. Bearings may be classified broadly according to the motions they allow and according to their principle of operation as… … Wikipedia
calligraphy — calligrapher, calligraphist, n. calligraphic /kal i graf ik/, calligraphical, adj. calligraphically, adv. /keuh lig reuh fee/, n. 1. fancy penmanship, esp. highly decorative handwriting, as with a great many flourishes: She appreciated the… … Universalium
Classical guitar — A modern classical guitar from the front and side String instrument Hornbostel–Sachs classification 321.322 5 (Composite chordophone sounded by the bare fingers or … Wikipedia
Dodge Caravan — Dodge Caravan/Dodge Grand Caravan Manufacturer Chrysler (known as DaimlerChrysler from 1998 2007) Production November 2, 1983[1] … Wikipedia
materials testing — Introduction measurement of the characteristics and behaviour of such substances as metals, ceramics, or plastics under various conditions. The data thus obtained can be used in specifying the suitability of materials for various… … Universalium