recovery of energy

recovery of energy
использование энергии

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "recovery of energy" в других словарях:

  • Energy recycling — is utilizing energy that would normally be wasted, usually by converting it into electricity or thermal energy. Energy recycling which can be undertaken at manufacturing facilities, power plants, and large institutions such as hospitals and… …   Wikipedia

  • Recovery (metallurgy) — Recovery is a process by which deformed grains can reduce their stored energy by the removal or rearrangement of defects in their crystal structure. These defects, primarily dislocations, are introduced by plastic deformation of the material and… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy recovery — includes any technique or method of minimizing the input of energy to an overall system by the exchange of energy from one sub system of the overall system with another. The energy can be in any form in either subsystem, but most energy recovery… …   Wikipedia

  • Recovery factor — (coal)   The percentage of total tons of coal estimated to be recoverable from a given area in relation to the total tonnage estimated to be in the demonstrated reserve base. The estimated recovery factors for the demonstrated reserve base… …   Energy terms

  • Energy Factor — (EF)   The measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2)… …   Energy terms

  • Energy efficiency, Electricity —   Refers to programs that are aimed at reducing the energy used by specific end use devices and systems, typically without affecting the services provided. These programs reduce overall electricity consumption (reported in megawatthours), often… …   Energy terms

  • Recovery percentage — (coal)   The percentage of coal that can be recovered from the coal deposits at existing mines.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Recovery efficiency — (Thermal efficiency) Ia water heater, a measure of the percentage of heat from the combustion of gas which is transferred to the water as measured under specified test conditions. California Code of Regulations, Section 2 1602(e)(7).   California …   Energy terms

  • Energy recovery ventilation — is the process of exchanging the energy contained in normally exhausted building or space air and using it to treat the incoming outdoor ventilation air in residential and commercial HVAC systems. The benefit of using energy recovery is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Policy Act of 2005 — Enacted by the 109th United States Congress Citations Public Law …   Wikipedia

  • Energy resources of Iran — consist of the second largest oil reserves and the fourth largest natural gas reserves in the world. Iran is in a constant battle to use its energy resources more effectively in the face of subsidization and the need for technological advances in …   Wikipedia

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