- rapid-response thermocouple
малоинерционная термопара
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Nuclear fuel response to reactor accidents — This page is devoted to a discussion of how uranium dioxide nuclear fuel behaves during both normal nuclear reactor operation and under reactor accident conditions such as overheating. Work in this area is often very expensive to conduct, and so… … Wikipedia
telemetry — te·lem·e·try (tə lĕmʹĭ trē) n. The science and technology of automatic measurement and transmission of data by wire, radio, or other means from remote sources, as from space vehicles, to receiving stations for recording and analysis. tel… … Universalium
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
Vacuum — This article is about empty physical space or the absence of matter. For other uses, see Vacuum (disambiguation). Free space redirects here. For other uses, see Free space (disambiguation). Pump to demonstrate vacuum In everyday usage, vacuum is… … Wikipedia
Accelerometer — An accelerometer is a device for measuring acceleration and gravity induced reaction forces.Single and multi axis models are available to detect magnitude and direction of the acceleration as a vector quantity [http://www.analog.com/en/technical… … Wikipedia