upset welding

upset welding
Стыковая сварка.
Процесс сварки сопротивлением, при котором сварное соединение осуществляется одновременно по всей области прилегающих поверхностей, сначала прилагается давление к соединению, затем подается электрический ток поперек соединения для нагрева прилегающих поверхностей. Давление сохраняется в течение нагрева.

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "upset welding" в других словарях:

  • Upset welding — is a special way of welding, in which two pieces of material are forged together at elevated temperatures. There are different ways to reach this temperature, but a current through the interface, friction or sometimes an external source are used …   Wikipedia

  • Upset welding — Upset welding. См. Стыковая сварка. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Open-gap upset welding — Open gap upset welding. См. Стыковая сварка с открытым зазором. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Welding — is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material (the weld puddle ) that cools to… …   Wikipedia

  • upset butt welding — noun : butt welding in which a continuous pressure is applied until the work is plastic and is then followed by a pressure high enough to produce an upset joint …   Useful english dictionary

  • Electric resistance welding — (ERW) refers to a group of welding processes such as spot and seam welding that produce coalescence of faying surfaces where heat to form the weld is generated by the electical reistance of material vs the time and the force used to hold the… …   Wikipedia

  • Resistance welding — refers to a group of welding processes that produce coalescence of faying surfaces where heat to form the weld is generated by the resistance of the welding current through the workpieces. Some factors influencing heat or welding temperatures are …   Wikipedia

  • Percussion welding — (PEW) is a type of resistance welding that blends dissimilar metals together. Percussion welding creates a high temperature arc that is formed from a short quick electrical discharge. Immediately following the electrical discharge, pressure is… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas tungsten arc welding — TIG welding of a bronze sculpture Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG …   Wikipedia

  • Gas metal arc welding — RMD redirects here. RMD may also refer to IRA Required Minimum Distributions. Gas metal arc welding …   Wikipedia

  • Shielded metal arc welding — (SMAW), also known as manual metal arc (MMA) welding, flux shielded arc welding …   Wikipedia

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