- powdered soap
мыльный порошок
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
powdered — измельчил в порошок; измельченный в порошок powdered eggs яичный порошок powdered meat мясной порошок powdered cheese сыр в порошке powdered soap мыльный порошок powdered milk молочный порошок … English-Russian travelling dictionary
soap — n. & v. n. 1 a cleansing agent that is a compound of fatty acid with soda or potash or (insoluble soap) with another metallic oxide, of which the soluble kinds when rubbed in water yield a lather used in washing. 2 colloq. = soap opera. v.tr. 1… … Useful english dictionary
soap — Synonyms and related words: Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, abstergent, adulation, amole, antimasque, audience success, ballet, baptize, bar soap, bath, bath soap, bathe, blandishment, blarney, bomb, broadcast drama, brown soap, bunkum,… … Moby Thesaurus
soap — Kopa. ♦ Powdered soap, kopa pauka. ♦ Laundry soap, kopa holoi. ♦ Bath soap, kopa au au. ♦ Perfumed soap, kopa ala. ♦ Liquid soap, wai ho oma ema e. ♦ Soap bubble, hu a kopa … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Soap — Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water, thus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
soap apple — Soap Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Soap bark — Soap Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Soap bubble — Soap Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
soap bulb — Soap Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Soap cerate — Soap Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Soap fat — Soap Soap, n. [OE. sope, AS. s[=a]pe; akin to D. zeep, G. seife, OHG. seifa, Icel. s[=a]pa, Sw. s?pa, Dan. s?be, and perhaps to AS. s[=i]pan to drip, MHG. s[=i]fen, and L. sebum tallow. Cf. {Saponaceous}.] A substance which dissolves in water,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English