- pit work
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Pit viper — Pit Viper … Wikipedia
pit — ☆ pit1 [pit ] n. [Du < MDu pitte, akin to PITH] the hard stone, as of the plum, peach, or cherry, which contains the seed vt. pitted, pitting to remove the pit from (a fruit) pit2 [pit] n. [ME < OE pytt < early WGmc & NGmc * puttia (> … English World dictionary
pit´i|a|bly — pit|i|a|ble «PIHT ee uh buhl», adjective. 1. to be pitied; moving the heart; deserving pity: »The sick cat was a pitiable sight. SYNONYM(S): lamentable, deplorable. See syn. under pitiful. (Cf. ↑pitiful) 2. deserving contempt; to be scorned;… … Useful english dictionary
pit´i|a|ble|ness — pit|i|a|ble «PIHT ee uh buhl», adjective. 1. to be pitied; moving the heart; deserving pity: »The sick cat was a pitiable sight. SYNONYM(S): lamentable, deplorable. See syn. under pitiful. (Cf. ↑pitiful) 2. deserving contempt; to be scorned;… … Useful english dictionary
pit|i|a|ble — «PIHT ee uh buhl», adjective. 1. to be pitied; moving the heart; deserving pity: »The sick cat was a pitiable sight. SYNONYM(S): lamentable, deplorable. See syn. under pitiful. (Cf. ↑pitiful) 2. deserving contempt; to be scorned; mean;… … Useful english dictionary
pit-viper — pit viper, water, work etc.: see pit n.1 14 … Useful english dictionary
Pit stop — For the technique to cause a car to spin around (and stop) quickly, see PIT maneuver. For other uses, see Pitstop. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Formula 1 pit lane and garages (right) adjacent to the oval racing lane … Wikipedia
Pit Bull — This article is about the group of breeds commonly called Pit Bulls. For the specific breed from which the term is derived, see American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier. Pit Bull is a term commonly used to describe several… … Wikipedia
Pit pony — A pit pony was a type of pony commonly used underground in coal mines from the mid 18th up until the mid 20th century.HistoryPonies began to be used underground, often replacing child or female labour, as distances from pithead to coal face… … Wikipedia
Pit of despair — For the pit of despair plot device, see The Princess Bride. Harlow s vertical chamber apparatus The pit of despair was a name used by American comparative psychologist Harry Harlow for a device he designed, technically called a vertical chamber… … Wikipedia
pit — pit1 [ pıt ] noun count ** ▸ 1 hole in ground ▸ 2 place for people/animals ▸ 3 seed in fruit ▸ 4 armpit ▸ 5 hollow mark on surface ▸ 6 extremely messy place ▸ 7 bad state ▸ 8 at the race track ▸ 9 something bad ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a very large hole… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English