- pencil glide
карандашное скольжение
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Hosford yield criterion — The Hosford yield criterion is a function that is used to determine whether a material has undergone plastic yielding under the action of stress. Hosford yield criterion for isotropic plasticity The Hosford yield criterion for isotropic materials … Wikipedia
Dornier Do 217 — Do 217 Do 217 E 2 Role Medium bomber Heavy bomber … Wikipedia
List of military aircraft of Germany by manufacturer — AEG= * AEG Helicopter, helicopter observation platform, 1933 * AEG Rumpelstilzchen, 1945 project anti tank missile for air and ground use AGO, Aerowerke Gustav Otto * AO 192, Kurier (Courier) light liaison * AO 225 Heavy fighter project Akaflieg… … Wikipedia
List of breakdance moves — ambox type = style text = This may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia s quality standards. Please help [fullurl:FULLPAGENAME|action=edit improve this list] . It may be poorly defined, or . #if:{1| }|{category|} {category|}Breakdance incorporates… … Wikipedia
ostariophysan — ▪ fish Introduction any of about8,000 species of bony fishes (bony fish) belonging to a group that includes the majority of freshwater fishes throughout the world. Familiar representatives of this group are the minnows (minnow), suckers (sucker) … Universalium
Marching band — For the Swedish band, see Marching Band (band). Goin Band from Raiderland, a college marching band in the United States Video of the Tennessee Volunteers Pride of … Wikipedia
RLM aircraft by manufacturer — see List of RLM aircraft for a numerical listing:or RLM aircraft designation system for explanation of naming system.RLM aircraft by Manufacturer (Not Totally Updated Yet) Albatros*Albatros Al 101, L 101 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1930… … Wikipedia
List of Luftwaffe aircraft by manufacturer, World War II — Albatros= *Albatros Al 101, L 101 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1930 *Albatros Al 102, L 102 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1931 *Albatros Al 103, L 103 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1932 =Arado= *Arado Ar 64, fighter (biplane) *Arado… … Wikipedia
Peter Kember — (born 19 November 1965) is a British musician, more usually known as Sonic Boom.Kember and Jason Pierce (born on the same day in Rugby, Warwickshire) formed Spacemen 3 in 1985. Sonic Boom s first solo album, Spectrum , was recorded in 1989 while… … Wikipedia
Classical guitar technique — This article is about the Contemporary classical guitar technique. For the baroque guitar technique see Baroque guitar and for the romantique guitar technique, see Romantic guitar. The classical guitar technique is a fingerstyle technique used by … Wikipedia
Singlish — Spoken in Singapore Language family Creole Singlish Language codes ISO 639 3 … Wikipedia