- Pauli's exclusion principle
принцип исключения
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Pauli’s exclusion principle — Paulio draudimo principas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Pauli’s exclusion principle vok. Pauli Verbot Prinzip, n rus. принцип запрета Паули, m pranc. principe d’exclusion de Pauli, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Pauli's exclusion principle — /ˈpɔliz/ (say pawleez), /ˈpaʊliz/ (say powleez) noun → exclusion principle. {named after Wolfgang Pauli, 1900–58, Austrian born US physicist} …
Pauli exclusion principle — The Pauli exclusion principle is a quantum mechanical principle formulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925. It states that no two identical fermions may occupy the same quantum state simultaneously . A more rigorous statement of this principle is that … Wikipedia
exclusion principle — /əksˈkluʒən ˌprɪnsəpəl/ (say uhks kloohzhuhn .prinsuhpuhl) noun 1. Also, Pauli s exclusion principle. the principle that no two fermions in a given system can be characterised by the same set of quantum numbers. 2. Physics the rule which states… …
Exclusion principle — may refer to: * The Exclusion principle, an epistemological principle * In economics, the exclusion principle states the owner of a private good may exclude others from use unless they pay. * The Pauli exclusion principle, a quantum mechanical… … Wikipedia
Pauli exclusion principle — n. [after PAULI Wolfgang] the principle that no two electrons, protons, etc. in a given system can have the same set of quantum numbers and, thus, that no two can occupy the same space at the same time: see FERMION … English World dictionary
Pauli exclusion principle — exclusion principle, principle put forward by the Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli that no two electrons in an atom can be exactly equivalent … English contemporary dictionary
exclusion principle — n. PAULI EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE … English World dictionary
Pauli exclusion principle — Physics. See exclusion principle. [1925 30; named after W. PAULI] * * * Assertion proposed by Wolfgang Pauli that no two electrons in an atom can be in the same state or configuration at the same time. It accounts for the observed patterns of… … Universalium
Pauli exclusion principle — noun Etymology: Wolfgang Pauli Date: 1926 exclusion principle called also Pauli principle … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pauli exclusion principle — Pau′li exclu′sion prin ciple n. phs exclusion principle • Etymology: 1925–30; after W. Pauli … From formal English to slang